Sep 27, 2010 09:38
So. We're flying out of Canberra on the 30th (plane leaves 11am) and returning on Friday the 8th (arrive 10pm)
It would make a huge difference if someone could give us a lift to and from the airport for those trips.
Now here's the complicated part: it needs to be in our car thanks to the presence of two small children in carseats. I can squeeze between them in the back so seating isn't a problem, but someone to drive us would be wonderful. Especially given parking for that period of time would apparently be $108. And I really don't like going in taxi's with my girls because taxi drivers aren't so great at the best of times, and the prospect of carrying my baby on my lap because there's no carseat with a dodgy driver just makes my skin crawl.
Anyone able to help?