Praying for Baby Tristan

Sep 15, 2010 13:51

Baby Tristan (the little one a month younger than Violet with agressive brain cancer) has had  a bad turn and extra prayers, hope and strength are very much needed for the family right now. Here's the last update I've read:

Tristan went in for a "routine" surgery that is now turning not so routine. He had to be intubated and cannot get him off 100% oxygen. Mom and dad are very worried about their little man right now.

"Tristan is being moved to the ICU - they were unable to complete his surgery because his o2 sat dropped unexpectedly. One of his lungs is whited out on the x ray, so they are really unsure what happened. It may have collapsed, it may be ful...l of some kind of fluid, wenjust don't know. Please pray for our boy!...."
From the mama

And now I feel the need to cuddle my baby girl.

ETA: Ok, I have a few more details now but not much:
"Still can't see him - they think it was a reaction to the anethesia. Flash pulmonary edema. They said he is already improving; he will stay intubated, and his transplant will be delayed for at least a week. My phone is almost out of battery, so I'll update from home when I go to see Layla."


So they finally let us in to see him (only what, almost 2 hours after we found out something went wrong! :anger: Apparently nurses' preferences come into play more than a parent's need to see that their child is alive and well, but whatever... :hammer: )
So they gave him a paralytic - apparently he woke up and started thrashing around, and then he was coughing up blood, so they gave it to him to prevent him from coughing. So he's pretty heavily sedated. They are doing chest and abdominal x-rays, and other than that, we're waiting to see if he improves. They had to up his oxygen again because he was coughing up the blood, so we're just hoping and praying that things settle down and he improves tonight. They're also debating whether to take him back in for the surgery before they extubate him, as long as they can get his lungs back to good condition. So yeah. I think that's pretty much it for now. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers ladies - it helps so much!"


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