(no subject)

Aug 26, 2010 09:21

I'm tentatively working on my own webpage thanks to generous hosting and set-up help from certain FruitBats.
I'm liking the structure that's coming into being with it. And it'll be helpful for me in being a really easy reference for the advice I'm most often giving online (ie. dealing with children's behaviours, especially toddlers).
It's also an opportunity for me to do the layout I want for a wing portfolio, rather than my current relying on lj. I'm still a long way off having the time to effectively do more than one set of wings a month (though at this stage I'm even struggling to get that much done).

I'm hoping to write up articles on various elements of behaviour management. (Currently have one on toddler tantrums up there, want to do biting, separation anxiety and choosing child care ones too... eventually)
I've put up those recipes for mess and mayhem.
And I'm thinking about putting my meaningful art experiences for children database up there too, though it's decidedly incomplete at this stage. Waiting for yet more of that mythical free time.

It's nice to have a place where I can keep it all together.
Ok, screamy baby resisting sleep. And it's going to be an interesting afternoon. We're off to the hospital to participate in something for the new women's and children's hospital. I'm in one of their focus groups for community input, though it's tricky to attend things between work and kidlets. As is I'm going to have to have the two of them in tow.

Ok, stuff to do. If you're interested in the webpage in its construction stages it's here: http://pixie.flurf.net/
Still need to come up with a name, I'll probably use one of the business names I was messing around with for selling wings.
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