Apr 19, 2006 09:33
Woke up at seven. Sun was already up and was shining happily into my room. God damn sun. Pah. Toda I have to do shit for my reasearch project which should have been done like two months ago. I think I'm gonna do up to the 5o notes cards and then do the rest on either Sunday or Friday. Tah. I hope I get this all done. I was thinking about it yesterday when I was on the phone with Shaun. Tah. He is doing stuff on the Loch Ness Monster. Gorramit I wanna do the thing about Nessie. *tear* But we had to do a sort of "controversial" topic. Like steam-cell research or abortion. I'm doing why do "they" hate us. They? They who? You ask. That's simple...everyone. Why do other countries hate America. Hah. The French hate us. The middle east hates us. The Chinese hate us. Who else? Well uhm I'm sure so part of Africa must hate us. Damn I hope this is easy because I lost the sheet of paper that is suppose to be my guidelines. It blinki got up and disappeared. No actully I think I threw it away. Poo. *shmucks off*
I write sins not Tragdies *good song I don't remeber who sings it but It's a good song* *nods*
reaseard paper