Beauty from ashs

Feb 20, 2006 19:23

Oh uhm? What are you people talking about? I was just alittle sad! Gosh! I'm sorry I've just been feeling like shit. I'm aloud to feel like shit arn't I? I don't always have to be the happy one that cheers everyone up!I just sometimes want to cry! I suppose that makes me rather selfish. But that's alright. I have accepted that.
OH PANTS! I'm so miffed! The sexy group picture I drew of THE DARK ONES! Ripped when I tried to pull it out! You see my bff and my bf and I are writing a story about three kids with powers. Of course the bad guys are really evil. I mean they would sacrfice the whole human race just to gain power. How fucked up is that shit yo? Uhm. What did I do today? Oh yes. I went to see my Ota, went a whole crap load of other places and bought a Yankee candle, Yummy lavender is my fav! Shaun called I nearly SQUEED! The reason he said that he hasn't called is cos he thought I was in St. Louis which I will not be going to this week. That reason is cos I do not want to deal with my Grandmothers nagging. She likes to point out all my faults. Especially the point that I am over weight. She likes that. Because that means she whips out a whole crap load of papers and shit explaining the reason why I am fat. I am like..FUCK OFF! Grandma! I like the way I am. Yes I am loosing weight! No I do not care what some doctor in India says or the New York Times..what ever I don't fucking care a whole lot.
Good news with shaun! He talked to his grandfather. Bad news he did not find anything about his dad's adopten. You see Shaun's pop was adopted from Canada and so he doesn't know anything about his dad.* Dad has passed on* I told shaun that he is half Rodney Mckay and that he should take pride in begin the insufferable know it all he is. Because shaun certainly does act like a cocky little bastard sometimes. Oy. But I lobe him and his Rodney Mckayness. Atleast he's not like my brother who is the dublicate of fucking I dunno APHOPHIS! GORRAMNIT! Fucking crazy ass hurt ny feelings by calling me a fat ass and he kept me up last night cos he was taking a fucking BATH AT THREE O'CLOCK AT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatever.
Oh my God I don't fucking KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

shaun, grannie, blah, life, stories, love, ota

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