Adventures in bi-sexual wonderland

Aug 01, 2013 01:24

Man, I gotta tell you the funniest thing. Once upon a time a (when I was lying to myself.) I pretended that I liked boys more then I liked girls. At one point I squashed those feelings so far into myself I joked that bi-sexuals were greedy or afraid to come out of the closet. Then I began to notice girls. Pretty girls, curvy girls, butch girls, skinny girls, well basically all girls. At first I said "Wow they are pretty. That most be the reason I have the tingly feeling inside." I mean I got that same feeling watching Aragon as I got watching Arwen. I began to look at my life and I realized that hey man I might actually like chicks.
This became a problem after I tried to confess it to my Mother when I was thirteen. Being told you are too young to know is actually really insulting.
Flash forward to twenty three when I confess once again that I am bisexual to my mother in the Best Buy parking lot.
She is not amused.
And has just recently remembered that I am Queer and has been enjoying ripping into me.
I'm so sick of this.
When am I going to be enough?
Why am I never good enough?
Wow this got sad pretty fast. Sorry about that.
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