As long as you do something you enjoy for yourself on a regular basis, you keep your sanity. For me, that's reading. Is worth the time I take for it. That and it shuts my brain up before I sleep.
Reading is very relaxing I can't afford books right now. I've been eyeing this book by P.C. Cast and her daughter...I hope I get some books for yule/christmas. I'm asking for a whole bunch.
Did ya note where I said "library". It's an invitation to check out any damn book you like. I get to read all sorts of things I wouldn't have tried because it cost money, picking books from the shelf judging them by their covers. I take what amazon says "you might like to read this" and go online to my library account and request that book. Within a day or two, it magically appears at the library, emails me, and I have fun things to read. My Mom-in-law is a librarian, and I didn't realize how much library funding is dependent on circulation. Therefore, the more you check out, the more you help your library. Free books and community service - it's a great deal! Can't finish in two weeks? Renew online! the internet rocks.
I've also been saving money by reading books I want at the library, sometimes I find out they sucked and there's another book I don't have to buy!
I think you dreamt of UnLondon. I'm reading it right now from the library, it's faboo.
I've also been saving money by reading books I want at the library, sometimes I find out they sucked and there's another book I don't have to buy!
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