10 Moon 22

Oct 22, 2009 15:19

Today's post is concerning the Tarot.    More specifically the 8 of Swords.  The power to release oneself but the inclination of self sabotage is strong.  Me to a T.  This card kept coming up, in a reading I did on myself and on a reading someone else did on me.  The picture is of a woman bound and blindfolded which 8 swords piercing the ground, almost in a maze.  Self limitations, imprisonment, censure and conflict between intellect and emotions.  To find out how I got here I have to dig deeper and look up.  I drew four more cards:  one behind, one crossing, one above, and one in front.  The one behind (past) 10 of Wands.  Guilt, blame, taking no joy in life, carrying too many burdens.  The one that crosses (challenge/blockage) 5 of Wands.  A mental battle within myself.  Scapegoat tactics are stopping me from real relationships.  The one above (I felt it as an outside force/higher power/guardian angel) The 4 of Cups.  Pay attention, don't get sucked into isolation.  See it as a chance for enlightenment, psychological insight and/or self healing.  More often than not Something is trying to get me to pay attention and I always find a way to isolate, close out the outside world, retreat into my cave.  Its a reminder to open my eyes and see what is in front of me.  Positive reflection.  Don't fear my widening vision.  Which leads me to the last card, the one in front(approaching influence) The Emperor.  Wisdom through worldly experience.  Powerful creative energies.  Action as the road to fulfillment.  Wisdom.  Self discipline.  Authority.  Protection.  Self control.  I have no real insight into the Emperor yet.  I just feel that if I'm open and honest and stay positive, take the advice and the insight of the other cards I will get to where I want to be.   More importantly, where I NEED to be.  The tarot I use is Sacred Rose Tarot and some of the interpretations came from "The Tarot Bible" by Sarah Bartlett.

Can we afford to become listless watcher of life instead of creative participants? ~Earth Medicine
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