RALEIGH KIDS: So, first of all, the party is probably gonna be the last Saturday in May. That's how I'm trying to swing it. It may be this coming Saturday, so I'm not sure, I've got to talk to Michelle about it first. In any case, I'll keep you all posted via LJ, phone, and the myspace if I have to.
If I know you, I expect you there, having a good time.
NEW YORKERS: I'm trying to get to NY. I might leave Thursday and come back Sunday. All depends on money. It's Jarrod's birthday, and I haven't seen him or Casi in a while.
FLORIDIANS: As I will be relatively close to you, and will surely have a substantial amount of vacation time and be saving tons of money whilst working and living (rent-free) in Mexico, I will try to arrange a trip up to see you. I miss you dearly.
VIRGINIANS: G, it is indeed a crime that we are so close geographically and don't see one another except in freaking New Jersey, which is far away from both of us. This should be remedied either before I leave or after. If you want to come to Mexico, it's cheap as Hell and easy to find an English teaching job..
My life has suddenly been made easier, as I've sold the car. Now I have money! This makes me happy. And it makes my hair pick my nose.
Oh my, it's just started storming outside. I think I'll go play in it.
Happy Mother's Day to all your moms, tell them I'll see them later. ;)