Sep 08, 2005 23:15
so schools hard- im behind on everything but i dont give a fuck
every day after school aka the 3 days that iv been there iv done something fun which is nice, the first day ker and em came over we were in search for a pool but had no luck then wednesday was the GREEN DAY CONCERTTT w/ cat that was soo amazing holy shit, so then 2day was the OC party but b/4 that for ker's bday im taking her 2 the ashlee simpson concert (now all of u are going ashlee simpson comeee on) its okay im ignoring u and its kerry's bday in october so shut up. anyway so when i gave it 2 her her face was pricless she literally screamed it made me so happy! and laur and ppl and i might go c jason mraz who is just the best in concert, so i hope all works out excpet i have NO MONEY like literally i have 3 dollars so i dont kno what im going 2 do, but whateverrr and then 2mororw and this whole weekend is packed so i gues its all good
unitl monday when i have 1millino things 2 do
but im diggin my fuck it attitude, even if im only screwing myself