Mar 01, 2005 22:57
i think life got complicated when people stopped listening. when you were 5 and all you wanted was to play with ur best friend...and u might have gotten in an agrument but overtime it was okay. not that things are dramatic right now but i was just thinking every single person lives their lives, their own life, their family, their personal relationship w/ everyone single person they know is their world. its not being selfish its reality. no matter what you dont know what another person is thinking, no matter what you can't control another persons actions. it is their own body and their own choices.
i dont really know what brought this about, esp cause i havn't been to this site itself it quite sometimes but its just wierd how things work out. i hate to use names but this is my journal and i shall
i dont even remember how old i was probably 2nd grade i slapped my best friend kristen, we were playing some type of game and she wouldn't listen 2 me and for some horrible reason i slapped her. previous 2 that i had never hit anyone b/4...she yelled @ me and i sat outside her very large house crying until my mother came and picked me up. i couldn't possibly tell her the story i was a horrible person, but i did and the very next day in school i went right up 2 kristen and gave her the biggest hug. of coures she prob. didn't want my hug, but after that it was okay, it was all okay. now almost well a little less than 10 years later, i havn't spoken 2 her- i know her number still by heart and i havn't called her- people change, people drift
janie winters, another best friend of mine in 2nd grade through me, well every year i had a birthday party - well a little get 2gether every august 30ishness c janie's birthday was the somewhere around the 29th or 30th and mine the 28th, us almost a year apart in the same grade, however every year we got 2gether adn had the best time, me janie, kristen, and neil- i havn't talked 2 any of them until literally last week, i came in contact w/ another close friend who had recently seen janie - our convo was akward @ first but in the end, we got back 2 what we always talked about even in the first grade, boys, i knew what janies life would be like now in that subject right from when were 8 years old, but it seemed a little less akward our conversation talking about something so fimiliar
so why do people drift, why do people fight, why do people do the things they do? i dont know, but now more than ever i want 2 call up my old friends and actually get 2gether i saw dana on sunday and for basicly since last summer we kept saying we would get 2gether, but thats a hard thing when we both live in our own wolds
sometimes life's 2 complicated 2 deal w/, the world keeps moving and we keep ageing...and for some reason i had 2 type/write that all journal my life, for anyone 2 read
and if magically u are janie, kristen neil, sam, charlie, EVEN U DANA anyone id like 2 hang out w/ u again, and catch up on old times
sweet dreams dreamers