Feb 19, 2006 20:52

Ok, I'm not locking this to friends only, a rarity for me. I would like honest and respectful entries only, no flaming please.

I realize that there is drama going on with CMA, when is there not? But I was of the assumption that things were getting better. Now I'm not so sure. I do not beleager anyone who feels the need to step back from the organization for any time, even permanently if they feel they need to, that is a personal decision, one I've made myself at one point. I can also respect those who choose to make a more serious commitment than I do and run for office, you have my respect as I know it can be a thankless job. I myself choose this year to step down as a rep and let others take the reins. I have been voted in as a Senior Guardian this year, a job which I am deeply honored to accept. For now, for me, that is about all I can handle.

I've seen several posts here recently that confuse and concern me greatly. Is it just more drama that I don't need to worry about? Is there something going on within CMA that I need to know about?

I've been in this organization long enough to learn that I have to make a choice about how much drama I let into my life, and how I let it affect me. I will state that as a Guardian and a former area rep that I have seen folks in the organization who are more concerned about the actions of others than taking responsibility for themselves. That's really what it all comes down to, personal responsibility. The ability to say "I screwed up, I'm sorry, it won't happen again" and move forward from there. Is it just me, or is this a trait that is just inherently difficult for humans as a whole to grasp? I'm not talking about just pagans here folks, I'm talking about humans as a whole.

At my work, everyone tells me to make certain I document everything and to always "cover my arse". It's like I work with a bunch of sharks sometimes! And the majority of these people are "God Fearing Christians".

Are humans as a whole becoming so untrustworthy that we cannot take personal responsibility for our own actions, that we cannot honor ourselves enough to take pride in what we do enough to make sure we get the job done right the first time? That we can't trust another person to be able to do what they say they are going to do and know that it will be done right the first time? What does this say about our society as a whole? Has the concept of "pass the buck" become so ingrained in us that we can no longer function with honor, trust or dignity?

For myself, I try very hard to live up to my word, take responsibility for my actions, and at least consider the ethical ramifications of what I do. Notice I say the word TRY. I know that there have been times where I have failed miserably at this, and the best I can do is get up, dust myself off, and keep on going. I know this is how a lot of other people live as well. They TRY, and yeah sometimes they fall down too. It truly saddens me to think that there are people out there who don't even try to take responsibility for themselves, who always try to shun their responsibilities and place the blame on others, who are incapable of simply saying "thank you" from time to time.

So I say this... To all the individuals in my life who have helped me, who have worked hard and felt they got nothing in return, I offer you my gratitude, my love and I say THANK YOU just for being who you are.

My one wish in this lifetime, let magick truly return to the world.

Blessed Be
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