Jul 26, 2005 21:31
I know I never update, but right now, for many reasons, I think something needs to be PUBLICLY said.
A friend of mine -- not a close friend, but a person I would feel comfortable confiding in, if she lent her ear -- has struggled for quite some time over the years with trying to find herself and becoming comfortable with her own sexuality, which was HOMOsexuality until a short time ago. I realize that being gay is cool now. That's awesome. I'm glad. Gay people rock, and if allowing them to be open about it without getting their asses beat requires some sort of pop culture trend favoring the lifestyle, so be it, but that doesn't give anyone liscense to pursue the lifestyle only to abandoned it and someone they cared about once they've decided their bored with it.
Yes, Katie, I'm sure you've caught on by now, I'm talking to you. Because this is exactly how you've come across, not only to me, but to several people who would have considered you their friend only a short while ago. I understand recklessness. I'm quite guilty of it myself on several occasions. I lost my virginity earlier than I would like, but luckily I lost it to the right person. I've had too much to drink before, but luckily I've yet to do anything irreparable stupid. Everyone does these things, and it's understandable, but when you leave so much destruction in the wake of your own insecurity, you've got a problem. I don't know a single person who hasn't alienated a close friend. I also don't know anyone who hasn't completely disregarded the feelings of another at least once in their life. However, I don't know a single fucking person who has managed to alienate as many people and disregard as many feelings in one fell swoop like this.
I know, it might have been in the heat of the moment, and, y'know, Nick might turn out to be exactly the person you want to spend your life with and you may not regret anything you've done with him, but that doesn't matter. That is not the point of what I'm trying to get across here. The point is that you could have easily done all of these things you wanted to do without hurting anyone. You said you knew you and Genevieve weren't going to work out well before you went on this trip ... fine. If you know, talk to her about it. Tell her why. Give her some sort of explaination as to why you're abandoning her, and at least give her the chance to try and understand. Don't try to sound self-righteous and reborn just because you know you've done something your friends will disapprove of -- something that once would have upset you too. You know those girls in high school you used to look down on with such contempt? The girls who used people and filled their ears with the things those people wanted to hear until they were no longer useful? That is what you have become. One of those girls that girls like you used to be are going to scoff at for the way they treat the other people around them and their lack of reverance for the things you used to hold so sacred. And good luck to you on that path, Katie. I'm not likely to see you again.
Also, for the record, I no longer desire any of your pie. It only seems fitting that it's now that you chose to stop making it.