
May 01, 2005 15:32

A decision has been made. I'm coming up to Beloit this Friday. It's the only day off I have this week, so you better make it worth my while. ;) I won't be staying too late because I believe I work early Saturday morning, but I'm coming to tie up loose ends and chill some. If someone runs an Exalted pick-up I'm allowed to play in, I certainly wouldn't whine one bit. As a matter of fact, I might give the GM candy.

I'm in a band again. This pleases me greatly. I miss playing music more than I miss my Exalted game ... and I miss that a LOT. I'm playing with my friend Chris. Whose last name happens to be Cornell. I find that awesome. For those of you who don't know music, Chris Cornell is the lead singer of Soundgarden. If you don't know who Soundgarden is, leave a comment so I can remember to shoot you. I'm playing bass, which isn't my first choice, but it's better than nothing. I might be doing some vocals too. I kinda hope so. I'm not great at playing bass and singing at the same time because I've only been a bassist for a year, but I can learn for the sake of less boredom. Unfortunately, Les Claypool, I am not.

My pants fell apart at work last week. Of course, by "fell apart" I mean "developed huge holes in the ass." While this wasn't really detrimental to me getting my job done, I couldn't help thinking my panties were being stared at and I found the sensation unpleasant. I also, I've only owned these pants for about a month. Thus, them falling apart already is a pile of crap. Never buy Levis. They suck. Much like Creed.

Also, I'm moving. It sucks. Mainly because Joel sucks and never comes to help me when he says he will and he's the only one with a truck. I would just rent one, but you have to be 21 to do that, and my parents are in Floriday. Oh, woe is me. Really, it isn't that bad, Joel just pisses me off and I'd like to get my couch out of my parents' kitchen before they get home.

Aaron wants me to listen to drums so I'm gonna ... y'know ... do that. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

"There are times I think eternal life ain't such a bad gig. Smoke all you want and see the planets."
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