Jan 17, 2006 20:48
no for real, it really is. :)
With my internship, I will be at school from 8am-5pm, then I go straight to work most week nights, and I work all day saturdays. NO LIIIIIIIFE!
It WAS, however, awesome to be back with school friends again today, though. :) We went to Subway after class. It was heaven. Not really, but more like earth just brimming with inside jokes.
I have a public speaking class with Erin Sherk (who is now Erin Kinkel). We talked wedding stuff after class. :) Fun!
So ok, there was this guy in our class who was the epitome of MORON. Freshman football player--total rude jock type. Our teacher was telling him that she and her husband were friends with a lot of NFL players and that football was actually a very intellectual sport (trying to make the guy feel good about himself) and then he started saying (imagine me doing a really stupid jock voice) "if you try to make football more complicated than it is, you're stupid. that's just dumb. football is easy. don't make it complicated. ummmm derrrrrr football is hard duhhhhhhh (in this really stupid retarded voice)." WHO DOES THAT??? I wanted to throw my shoe at him.
Wedding news: I picked out cupcakes. THey will be yummy and brimming with moisture and sugar-rush-causing ingredients. Mmm. I got bridesmaid dresses all picked out. Yay hooray!
I think Katie and I are gonna go to another bridal show at the end of the month. aww special. not really.
Katie taught me to knit!
I have to have my first ever feminine appointment this month. So very eww.
My parents will be moving into their new house in a month. Yay for them. They're like, stalking the workers. They're so paranoid about things being done wrong...they go by everyday and "check on them." Heehee I love them. :) Last night I went over to their house and watched the 2-hour premiere of 24. Mmmm good show. My mom and I like, clung to each other. Intensityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....
It was definitely too cold today.
I very jive with this: "if i find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that i was made for another world." -c.s. lewis