I like poop

Dec 22, 2007 01:31

It is good.....

*click the ducky for song*

ok on that note
how was my day, or my past week or so ...............FUCKING  GAY AS HELL AND I HATE MY DAMN JOB!!
How is that for an answer.  I hate my job and I  freakin  HATE christmas........it is now at the very very VERY very bottom of my list of holidays...halloween and St. Pattys still being on the top :D

The more I work at this damn job the more I seem to hate this holiday cause people act like is all about presents and give me give me give me! People act like such.......jerks come the holiday
Like its my fucking fault you waited until 3 days before fucking christmas to come out and buy your fucking gifts...DUH!
they come in all pissed off cause we don't have this or that or what they wanted...well then MORON you should have started your shopping a while ago like all the rest of the resonable people instead of waiting till the last min.  Its not my damn fault that someone eles came and got it before you.......DONT WAIT TILL THE LAST DAMN MIN!! Then they come to the store and start bitching and being grumpy at us like its our fucking fault?? DUH DUUUUHH DDUUUUUUUHHHHHH I FORGOT MY HELMET!!

Ok I had one today that made me laugh
Some guy and his wife where checking out with me and they wrote a check but when I ran the check through the right way it came up that the account was overdrawn so it didn't work. Then they used a card instead and it went through and I gave them the check and the receipt back and he stood there and asked me for ten fucking min why the check didn't run through but the card did and suposibly they are on the same account. I told him I don't know that has something to do with his bank he'll have to call and ask them why its not working...then HE ASKED ME AGAIN!  and then AGAIN and again why one didn't work and the other didn't and I had to tell him several times that I DONT FUCKING KNOW it has something to do with the BANK..>WE ARE NOT THE FUCKING BANK GO AND ASK THEM I DON"T FUCKING KNOW!!  its called pick up the phone and ring up the bank and ask then DUN DUHH DUHHHH why doesn't this work! We are the PX YOU MORON NOT THE DAMN BANK! Eventually I got frustrated with him and walked away cause I wasn't going to sit and argue over why his damn account didn't work.

I am SO freakin tired of this damn job its not even funny....it has offically grown on my last damn nerve it really has. I think I'll stay there until after christmas holiday but probably not much longer then that.   I didn't get too frustrated today cause I was too cramp and hurting to give two shits about what the fucking stupid manager and the supervisor was bitching about today....blah blah blah blah who the hell cares!

I forgot how much fun this thing is because unlike myspace I don't have half of my co workers on here....hell i don't have ANY Of my coworkers on here so I can talk as much shit about work as I want to and not have to hear about it! HAHAHHAHAHA suckers....

Let see what  is there........Mercedes my friend who lives downstairs got all of her stuff for her baby from her mom. Im talking she bought her EVERYTHING! Baby bath, bed, swing, diapers, decoration the whole damn thing. She's having a boy so shes gonna do her room in baby Loony Toons. Shes got it all for the crib and even stickers to put on the wall, so now on my next day I'm gonna go down and help  her paint the room all a color and put up the stickers and set up the rest of the room before all the rest of the stuff come. That won't be until march.....and if we're lucky he's born a little early and he'll get to be a PISCES like ME!! cause we ROCK! Oh ya...;)   I'm hopefully gonna be the one who goes with her to the hospital when the baby come since her hubby is downrange and they won't let him come back for the baby being born. She doesn't really have many friends over here and no family so I imagine having a kid in a strange hospital all alone would really SUCK!
But thats pretty cool and freakin scary at the same time being in the room with her during the whole thing.....that is if they let me come. We're over seas so there a good chance they might not let me  be in the room with her.......
But being there when hes born and being one of the first ones to see him and watch when she gets to hold him, and he starts to scream and cry for the first time......awwwwwwwwww

well ok i guess thats it for the day

oh ya my husband..........is a freakin retard!!

I HAVE SPOKEN!..............................................

thank you for listenin
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