Dec 22, 2005 03:26
Ok ok im gonna follow Brandons example and do one of these Nostalgia weeks and put up some fun and messed up stuff I did with a friend. OH my GOD where to start.....Lets see
* Sitting in the middle of a field doing absolutly jack shit and for some reason everyone seems to think we where out there "casting spells" on people...
* The many dances in the rain with everyone looking at us like we're out of our fucking minds.
* Stealing black lipstick and eyeliner from Alberstons as well as other little handy things
* Perfume fights in the back isles, playing with the toys and getting kicks out over and over just to go back the next day and do it again.
* Hitch hiking to the mall...or the attempt there of to
* Pissing off a realy big fucking indian guy on the bus from us sining, only to have him walk back to the back of the bus and sit beside us to keep us quiet...and we kept sining!! HOW!!!
* Getting drunk at the mall and picking a fight with a bunch of jocks for some guy I barly rember
* Going with Evil Chuck to Airhead mall while trying to pick fights with asshole preps
* Bonfires at the bustop, and scaring people going onto the bus
* Driving to some wierd guys house to buy a pair of matching knifes
* Going to Evil chucks to get drunk
* Stealing road cones and putting them on peoples doorstop
* Racing down roads in crapy ass cars and still winning
* Many nights of sneaking into Castles and Coasters and getting on the rides free cause I sat and talked with the people ( oh ya and from tasha showing her tits :P )
* Stealing and collecting clubs and balls from castles and coasters mini golf
* Getting handfulls of "I am loved buttons and throwing them at people and over the balcony
* Walking in the middle of the road on the yellow line while cars drive around us pissed off
* Screaming " fuck you" and flipping off random honking cars
* Mischief and stealing decoration at Dennys in the wee hours of the morning
* Making fun every time her mom calls her whole name " CAROLYN NICHOLE LEBET!! "
* Beating the shit out of her brother for beating the shit out of her all the time
* Walking in the middle of summer in jackets all the way to ASU west and breaking in
* Throwing paper from the second balcony of our Hang out spot and running like mad
* Carving things into the paint along the balcony (wich im sure is still there )
* Sneaking into classrooms after hours and going through stuff and writting stuff on the boards
* Swimming in the fountains for money to get food
* Begging people for change to " call our parents who where suposed to come and get us hours ago " or " I dont feel good...i need to go home "
* Sneaking in to watch tv upstairs (asu west) and playing on the wheely chairs for hours
* Dancing on the ledge of the balcony at our asu west hang out spot
* Yelling random or mean things out the window of my car at random people walking
* Breaking into the empty house behind hers, wich was our hang out untill somone moved into that house
* Starting fights with the many "ASSHOLES" and I strongly use the word ASSHOLES that she dated or was interested in (i.e Tim, Arron, No nuts, Jason, stoner fuck, and so on..there where a few )
* Burning our socks with perfume in her room untill we where both high as hell and playing with a balloon for hours on end for no reason at all.
* Walking down the halls at school and cussing FUCK realy loud, we were suposed to get detention for it but never actually did (this was like 7th-8th grade)
* Knocking a hole into the girls bathroom while goofing off and not in class, once more supposed to get detentions but never actually did.(again like 8th grade)
* Throwing wet paper towels on the celing of the girls bathroom for days and days and pissing the janators off ( 7th-8th grade)
* Throwing nickles at people cause i couldnt stand nickles (long story)
* Getting free rides all the time when every we wanted on the M3 at metro mall
* Getting free food and drink at the Prestle place in the mall cause the guy had a crush on me
* Spanging for money to split either some french fries from mc'ds or a large grande nacho at the mexican place.
* Bumming extra food from Tim and Nathan at the end of the night when the mall closed
* Playing on the fountain after hours of the mall closing
* Swing dancing in "All wound up" with lots of people watching
* Hacky sack on the many stages (we even taught a little kid to play)
* Yelling out "All hail SATAN NICHOLASE!!" as we passed the santa desplay
Ok I think thats enough...there is SO much more to add onto this its not even funny. But Im sure Carolyn is gonna be doing one. So if she does one for us she can add stuff that I perhaps forgot.
Now follow MY good example and everyone do one. Only pick ONE person to do it for and it can only be stuff that you did with That one eles so group activities dont count.