Members Only

Oct 21, 2011 11:24

This Community is Members Only. Click "join community" to become a member and see the posts.

banner by pmd, please do not snag

Please note that only livejournal accounts will be accepted as members here. Facebook, twitter, tumblr, googleplus and the like will not be accepted as members even if you are using OpenID to join. If you would like to join please create a livejournal account.

If you are a livejournal account and find yourself rejected please check that your account has been verified with livejournal (there will be an email sent to you with a link to click on to confirm that you are not a bot) livejournal does not allow non verified accounts to be added to communities. Additionally check that your message settings are open or that you have an entry where the moderators can comment in case they need to contact you for any reason.

If your journal is brand new with a default layout, no posts and your message settings are disabled the mods will assume that you are a bot and reject you. You can remedy this by enabling messages or posting an entry that is public with commenting enabled. The mods will not spam you with messages or comments but it is important to be able to reach you if something comes up.

These guidelines are to protect the community from being overrun by spambots.
Thank you!

!mod post

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