Mah iconz (Part 2)

May 23, 2009 02:13


Also, The Sims 3 was apparently leaked, and it is le terrible. Not surprising. At least it's terrible in funny ways, like siamese twins and giant baby eyebrows, and freaky longarm/finger/neck toddlers. The textures are rotten; especially lackluster are the wallpapers (bland, huge repeating designs, does EAxis even know how people decorate?) and, as always, the hair. Ugh. If you're going through all the trouble to make the environment look good (excepting the dodge/burn shadows behind EVERYTHING including fireplaces which are supposed to be flush with the wall) why don't you take the extra time to make hair that looks like more than a blob of color with some lines in.

All this and it's apparently illegal to make mods. It's like EAxis totally ignored the tens of thousands of talented people who made their first two games what they were. No, not ignored, gave them the big ol' middle finger salute while they roll in piles of money. Also, there are "difficulty modes," which leads me to believe The Sims 3 is a game, and not a simulator. You beat games. Once you've beaten them, there's often nothing to go back and do. Granted, I go on TS2 vacations, but I always go back, drawn by the siren song of making pretty houses and fumbling around with my favorite families. There aren't many games I've beaten that I play again and again.

Fortunately, I will not need to spend my moneys on this one.

Hmm, what else. Oh. I've taken to making sprite.. things out of Perler beads. I need ideas on what to make next, as my menagerie can only handle so many Super Mario enemies. I am considering making an army of Kuribo Shoe goombas, though. It just looks so perfect.
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