Effigy of Sarah Palin gets the two who hung it a heart to heart talk with the mayor.
Effigy of Barack Obama gets the two who hung it arrested.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/30/obama.effigy/index.html?iref=mpstoryview Personally, I believe a hung effigy of *anyone* is offensive, no matter where or when it happens. I believe this is a double standard. Hang a woman, no punishment. Hang a black person, get arrested and who knows what else.
If it's freedom of speech, you can't have two standards. That hideous church can go to veteran's funerals and wave and shout offensive slogans. Neo-Nazis can march and it's free speech. All sorts of things are free speech. If hanging an effigy of a woman is freedom of speech, then hanging *anyone* must be part of free speech.
I realize the history of black folks comes into play with this. I still have my ideals, though.