RL: Crafting, Family, and Backtracking

Nov 28, 2009 01:47

Argh! I have no idea where I put my paints. This makes my project much less efficient. Is it sad that when I lose something I think this “Think Dani, if you were thinking like you, where would you put it to be safe so you could find it again.” This is literally the conversation I have to find stuff. I outsmart myself. :(

On a crafting note. Anyone have a good recommendation on font(s)? I’m painting a wooden plaque about 5” x 20” for my grandparents. The thing is I can’t find a good set of letter stencils to save my life. I did find stencil blanks, though, so I figure the next best thing is to hand-carve the stencils myself. But I need a font that fits in the middle of the plaque and is a bit stylized, but easy to read. My grandpa has macular degeneration that has left him legally blind so he can only read clear font that is very large.

The retirement apartments they live in allows them to decorate their door areas. We get them cute stuff for the shelves by the door, and wreaths and other season hangers but I thought it would be nice if they had a plaque with their names on it for holiday-lacking months. But I need a good font and my paints. *sighs*

In other news…today was Thanksgiving Day, the second. (Or yesterday…shut up clock, who asked you what time it was?) Which went fairly smoothly. About as awkward as usual but less tense. I count this as a win.

A bit of explanation. My parent’s sides of the family each do a Thanksgiving dinner. Only they hate each other, and we live within an hour of both of them. Over the years this used to lead to epic fights over who loved who the best, and who got to eat with which side of the family on the actual day, as opposed to the day after. Then it resolved itself.



I don’t ask.

Anywho. We eat on the day of, with my mom’s side, a traditional-slightly New England style Turkey dinner. And on the Friday after, we eat with my dad’s side. A Southwestern Turkey dinner. That’s two days of full dinner feasting fare. The main differences being that mom’s side cooks the main-stay type fair and watches lots of football not talking much but bonding over teams, or in some cases, making fun of the men shouting. On my dad’s side we all break into different groups and hold different conversations. There is much complaining and contemplating of the world and life. And there is red chile to pour over everything, and tamales, and posole. Mashed potatoes and red chile. Turkey and red chile. Yum.

So feasting day number two has passed and we have survived. Hallelujah.

I’m still backtracking through old posts and stories. So if you see that I’ve replied on an old comment, post, or story. Yeah…that’s just me, being a horrible multi-tasker.

events, my crazy cracked up brain, in which the author and friend is a goob, squealy-doom!, crafting and other fingery workings

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