Summary: Lessons

Aug 17, 2009 14:27


Originated from this prompt at st_xi_kink. I'd like to see various crew members come to Kirk for sex tips (because Kirk is an all powerful sex guru of course :D) and Kirk always uses someone as a live sex toy for people to practice on because, let's face it, words just aren't as effective as a hands-on education. The person used as a toy would get off on being so utterly objectified.

But I can't decide who'd be the best sex toy. After all, so many characters would fit the bill nicely.

Lessons is basically a PWP where Kirk decides to teach sex ed classes. It has a slight plot and will end up Kirk/McCoy at the end. However I am unsure how I would ever post this at a comm. With all the various pairings involved. So for the most part I’ll post the segments on the thread at the Kink meme and here.


Lesson 1- Jim and Gaila- Finding and Using erogenous zones. Or ‘how to be a better lover.’

Lesson 2- Jim and Pavel- Bondage and Fingering

Lesson 3- Scotty and Chekov- Fellatio and Food Play

Lesson 4 - Jim and Uhura- Proper Kissing

Lesson 5- Interlude- Involving Jim, Chekov and a desk

Lesson 6- Kirk-everyone-Talking Dirty

Lesson 7- Sulu and Pavel- Rimming and Penetration

Lesson 8- Unknown at present- Roleplaying with D/s information

Lesson 9- Interlude 2 with Kirk and Sulu and a desk

Lesson 10- Uhura/Spock/Chekov- Threesomes and double penetration

Lesson 11- Kirk and Spock- Toys

Lesson 12- Interude the last- Kirk and Bones-possession

kirk/other, kink!prompt, stxi, kirk/mccoy, series!summary, fic

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