Work was especially aggravating today. As such I was fluxing between going out of my mind and having fun. As a result things struck me odd, well, odd-er. And I figured I would share. Have fun.
You guys I was totally inspired this afternoon! We had a little boy in at work with his mom and their new puppy. He was a tall 3 (as in tall for a 3 year old)and he kept playing telephone. By this I mean that he wanted to talk to me but he was too shy to, so he kept telling his mom to tell me such and such.
Me: "Would you like to color?" [Hands crayons and book]
[He Nods]
Me: "How old are you?"
Him: "Mom, tell her I'm 3"
Her: "You just told her, she can hear you."
Him: "Mom tell her."
Her: "You tell her"
Him: "Mom, mom ask her, tell her that I have biscuts for Rex at home."
Her: "She heard you, she can hear you."
Him: "Mom she's smiling at me."
XD!!!!! Oh My God. I almost died of the cute.
Also I composed this at work as well.
Dear clients.
There are days when you drive me 8 and 80 ways of crazy. And then there are days when you are so strange and inspiring that I can't help but BEAM all day long. In these instances, I find there is a common thread or two. Those being the fact that people cannot spell the names of the breed of dog they have. In particular, Maltese, Shih Tzu, and Chihuahua.
Today I bust something not laughing in delighted GLEE at one of these instances.
Chi-chu-ca!!! This joy will keep me going for weeks.
In story news: Got some good stuff down. As soon as I can finally get past their first few days at the Academy getting settled in it should move much faster. I hope! (Not pace wise but I have some big things planned but I can't just jump into them without setting up somethings first. Mainly a friends basis. Otherwise Jim's just this weird stalker XD. I have a whole bunch of ideas for other series. And a couple small series and one shot ideas.
I finished those two kink prompts and I need to finish the other two. I'm hoping to post a large segment of Lessons. But I'm kinda worried about spamming my flist. So I want to post Lessons and it's summary chapter at about the same time I post the next chapter of Shuttle!verse. That way there's something for everyone. Cause Lessons is a lot of smut. And it will end up with Kirk/McCoy but he kinda works his way through a fair bit of other pairings. And I feel like such a traitor writing Chekov/Kirk, though I am kinda excited about the Sulu/Kirk. Cause I'm weird like that.