1. Open your audio player of choice.
2. Load all your music in a playlist - and put the shuffle-mode on
3. Find a picture of the first 20 artists. If the same artist comes again, skip.
4. Have your friends guess who the artists are
(okay, I followed the rules a bit obsessively, which means there are 5 dutch bands in there, which might be impossible to guess for most, if not all. furthermore there are three aglami-related songs/artists in there. the other acts should internationally known - good luck; you'll need it...)
silentdave via
1. And You Will Know Them by the Trail of Dead (Blonde)
2. Klein Orkest (Maaike)
(hmmm, a dutch band, i don't suppose there are any dutch-people here?)
3. K3 (Maaike (and secretly Blonde))
(okay, blonde should know this one...)
4. Luke Whitmore (Dave)
(waaaaaah :o))
6. Norah Jones (Maaike)
7. Toontje Lager (Maaike)
(a dutch thing again... I am sorry)
9. Fiona Apple (Blonde)
(I didn't know she was this young and good looking...)
(scandinavian band)
11. Pixel (Blonde)
(a bit of an unclear picture, but this one is for insiders. there are people who should know this (eg. blonde))
(come on, this one must be easy)
13. VOF de Kunst (Maaike)
(another dutch one. perhaps you can google the bandmembers' names)
14. REM (Dave)
15. (Mega-) Hal (=Atob) (Dave)
(I suppose you need to be an aglamian for this one...)
16. Sting (Dave)(with the bonuspoint for the movie (Dune))
(okay, very easy one, so I picked a rather obscure movie picture (bonus point if you can name the movie))
18. Skunk Anansie (Dave)
(picture might be a mite bit small, but hey, look at the size of that mouth!)
19. Billy Joel (Blonde)
20. Kim Wilde (Maaike)
(does anyone remember this one? (okay, I don't remember her from back then either - I am not that old...))
make me proud
edit: come people! there must be other people, besides dave, who know some bands!
edit2: still 6 bands left! including the band that made Nelly the Elephant great and the former band of Cerys Matthews...
edit3: I give up -