May 05, 2004 17:54
It seems that lj posted something to promote a teenage pregnancy and prevention awareness campaign and a lot of people went ballistic. If I wasn't at work right now, I would have been rolling on the floor after reading this. Some girl posted this comment:
The message they [Livejournal or the campaign itself. Not sure.] vehiculate is repressive and doesn't solve anything.
Teenagers don't become pregnant because they wish so, they become pregnant because our society tells them the only role of woman is as mother.
It is society we must change, not teenagers. Teenagers are not responsible for the society they live in.
LOL My favorite was the second paragraph! Wow. Talk about excuse making. I don't recall ever being told in school or in my everyday life in general that the only thing I was good for was making babies...
Somehow, this whole situation turned into a Conservative bashing party, which does not surprise me in the least. When you can't take responsibility for yourself, blame it on those damn republicans. *rolls eyes*