Time for you to meet who's who here at Pixelia. ♥ I have three main storylines working at the moment, spread out over four lots. There's already all kinds of ridiculous wank drama and excitement going on. :x
Right, then, let's meet all the sims! Here's the Who's Who of Pixelia!
First, here's Pixelia!
You know that rainbow is epic. 8D
Another angle of the city and the two islands.
Here's the residential area downtown. These houses are kind of pricy and, fully furnished, tend to range around the 70,000 area. As you can see, one of our sim families lives here.
Aaaand this is the cheaper area of town, with nice townhouses. My single sims live in this area.
Finally, out on one of the islands is the more "countryside"-esque area, with a family of farmer sims.
Neighborhood shots are kind of boring though. :/ So let's move to some actual people.
Emi Morita
Personality: Clean, tidy, shy, creative.
Aspiration: Family
Lifetime Want: Marry off six kids.
Will it happen? Possibly. Depends on if she has that many kids.
Meet Emi.
Emi is a single artist who just moved into Pixelia in hopes of finding the *~man of her dreams~* and getting married and settling down to a perfect home life. Pop out a bunch of kids, have a dog, white picket fence... you know the type.
Emi doing what she does best.
Say hi, Emi!
(Oh my god I fought so hard to get a good shot of her waving, apparently I fail at that though.)
Here's the townhouse she's in.
(I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THIS PICTURE LOOKS LIKE IT'S NIGHT. I took it at the exact same time I took the other pictures, during the day. Totally random.)
Another shot of the townhouse. Yes, that's a skunk hanging out in the front.
Well, Emi is new in town, and she's searching hard for good father-of-my-children material. Unfortunately, she met... this guy.
Ken Onizuka
Personality: Outgoing, creative, athletic.
Aspiration: Romance
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the athletics career.
Will it happen? Yes.
That would be Ken Onizuka, the town playboy. He's single for a reason, Emi. Unfortunately, our fail!heroine here is too busy with fantasies about her white picket fences that she doesn't seem to catch on to the whole playboy thing. She just knows that Ken's a good kisser and seems to have a thing for her.
Say it with me now, everyone. Emi, that's a bad idea.
EMI THAT'S A BAD- She's not listening.
Here's the playboy back at his place.
... This sim is actually an Ash Crimson (from King of Fighters) sim I downloaded, and while I changed his hair and clothes, I apparently forgot to change his accessories... Ken Onizuka, the playboy, has long, painted nails. o_O; Erm. Okay.
Here's the playboy's townhouse, which is slightly cooler than Emi's, as it has three levels and a garage.
AND a pool in the back.
Awww yeah. All he needs now is a jacuzzi and he'd have the ultimate playboy pad.
So, Emi plans to propose to her lover, Ken, and move in with him. Do you think he'll give up his playboy ways and become an honest man for Emi? ch' yeah right We'll have to see! :O
In the residential area, we have the Hara family.
Toshiro Hara
Personality: Serious, intelligent, kinda grouchy.
Aspiration: Knowledge
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the medicine career
Will it happen? Already has; Toshiro is Chief of Staff.
Toshiro the doctor!sim.
Toshiro is very good at what he does.
...... uh.
So, Toshiro is the passionate doctor who worked long, hard hours to reach the top of the proverbial food chain, so to speak. He always dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps, and that Toshiro himself would be the first of a long lineage of talented doctors. Unfortunately, there's one little hitch in his plans... his wife.
Yumiko Hara
Personality: Creative, intelligent, serious.
Aspiration: Knowledge
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the journalism career.
Will it happen? WAS working on it, there's a tiny hitch in her plans now.
Yumiko. Ahh, Yumiko.
Yumiko is a dedicated career woman, passionate about writing.
In fact, she was so dedicated to her career in the cutthroat world of journalism, that she was quite upset by her husband's desire for children. Getting pregnant and having a kid meant taking precious days off from her job to raise little screaming toddlers. Yumiko did not like this.
(Wtf she looks constipated.)
She found herself unable to completely crush her husband's dream of a doctor!sim legacy, though, and ultimately found herself pregnant. She thought long and hard about what she could do to return to her career as soon as possible....
And then it dawned on her. Hire a nanny! Let HER raise the stupid brat(s) while Yumiko got back to work as soon as the kid was out of her body!
Yumiko liked this idea. She liked it muchly. 8D
Enter the nanny.
Ramu Yamada
Personality: Bright, friendly, creative, outgoing.
Aspiration: Family
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the law enforcement career.
Will it happen? Most likely, but not right away.
Ramu is the bright, bubbly, friendly nanny, fresh out of high school and looking for a little something to do before entering into the "real world," so to speak. She's fun, bright, friendly, energetic... perfect nanny material.
(And just a tad vain.)
Obligatory picture of her doing proper nanny things, like the dishes.
Ramu will work as the Hara's nanny until the firstborn reaches teenager-age and is able to take care of themselves and/or babysit their younger siblings (if Toshiro manages to force persuade Yumiko to have more... which might happen, if the first kid isn't a son to carry on the family name). After her nanny services are no longer necessary, however, she'll have to strike out on her own...
Meanwhile, Toshiro and Yumiko's marriage is on rocky ground, as Yumiko now more or less refuses to talk to her husband after -as she feels, anyway- being forced to have his child, thereby putting her career on hold. As Yumiko has his child and then leaves it entirely in the hands of the nanny to raise, will Toshiro stay loyal to his aloof wife or begin to stray? *makes DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN sounds*
And the last family, the Nakamarus... farm sims! Check out their farm first.
I felt SO SMART when I thought to put half of the ochard trees across the street! It looks really cool in my opinion.
Anyway, onto the sims!
Kentarou Nakamaru
Personality: Friendly, hard-working, serious.
Aspiration: Family
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the law enforcement career. HAVE A BIG FARM FAMILY.
Will it happen? Uhhh not in this story IT ALREADY HAS.
Kentaroooouuu! Kentarou is a good, hard-working farmer!
The farm was abandoned by his uncle years ago, so after Kentarou and his wife, Yuka, got married, they moved in and began their family life as farmers.
(I love that the outfit he's got has him wearing gloves already 8D That's part of the reason I chose it.)
Yuka Nakamaru
Personality: Serious, neat, tidy.
Aspiration: Family
Lifetime Want: Have six grandchildren.
Will it happen? No idea yet. :x
Here's Yuka, posing next to the doghouse, for whatever reason.
Kentarou loves is wife.
He loves her a LOT.
And from this passionate love sprang twins!
... twins that look NOTHING alike.
Erika Nakamaru
Personality: Still a child. But she's pretty friendly and outgoing.
Aspiration: Growing up!
Lifetime Want: ---
Will it happen? ---
Yuuki Nakamaru
Personality: Still a child. He seems shyer than his sister.
Aspiration: Growing up!
Lifetime Want: ---
Will it happen? ---
The twins seem to be the opposite of their parents. Erika has her father's dark skin and her mother's green eyes...
... while Yuuki has his mother's pale skin and his father's blue eyes.
Erika is more likely to do things while her brother seems more likely to hang back and watch.
After his sister does something, though, he'll definitely want his turn. 8D
Finally, the Nakamarus have a farmhand that lives at their house and does much of the farm chores (mostly for when Yuka was pregnant... as her being down for the count more or less meant that otherwise Kentarou had to do ALL the farm work on his own. :/ It wasn't working. Now she's busy minding the kids, so they still need another hand on the farm).
Yuichi Ando
Personality: Calm, hard-working, friendly.
Aspiration: Fortune
Lifetime Want: Reach the top of the law career.
Will it happen? Most likely, but not right away...
Yuichi! Yuichi is the best farmhand you can possibly imagine. He works his butt off for this family so Yuka and Kentarou can spend evenings with their kids.
He's always friendly and welcoming to anyone who happens by, too.
(*apparently no longer fails at taking photos of them waving*)
And this one cause I thought it just came out cool, and Yuichi's cute anyway.
Everything looks like it's going well at the Nakamaru Farm & Orchard, right? Unfortunately, things aren't quite going so smoothly... see, Yuka thought that since she had born Kentarou a son to carry on the family farm, she'd be spared having to pop out any more kids. However, not only does Kentarou want more kids, he actually wants a dark-skinned son to carry on the family name and the family... color, so to speak; basically a son that looks like him. Erika would be perfect to take over the farm, with her bright, outgoing personality, but if a woman takes over the farm, the last-name will change when she gets married, and they'll no longer have the same name as the farm itself... forcing them to change the name of the farm. Kentarou, of course, is adamently against this. He's made it very clear he wants another kid (yes it actually is in his wants list), while Yuka has made it very clear she does not (in fact, "have a baby" has shown up on her list of fears). Who's going to win THIS battle of wills? Will Yuuki inherit the family farm and carry on the name? Will Erika get it and keep the dark-skin in the family, but lose the name of the farm? Or will the twins have to give the farm up to a younger sibling? OH THE DRAMA.
So there's the introductions! I'll be doing some of Emi's story in the next update, so look forward to her moving in to Ken's place and her attempts to get pregnant and have that dream family she's so looking for...