Aug 25, 2009 00:08
I've had a moderately annoying day. Nothing major, but enough to convince me the world is filled with morons who think they can push people around or get away with crap just because I didn't actually see them do it or no one bothers to push back. I'm getting too old for this shit. So mini rants:
1. Dear stupid prat. Yes you. You are childish. Selfish. Insecure to the point I want to smack you upside the head because your 'insecurity' is all a big emo act to get people to pay attention to you. And you're right - you do suck, but your emo friends haven't told you to quit whining and shut up. The only attention I'm giving you is taking your toys away. I'm in charge, not you, and I'll do whatever I damn-well want to - I don't need to explain or justify myself. Leave me alone - I'm tired of fucking with you. You've worn out your welcome and I'm one step away from blocking your number permanently. Go ahead - give me an excuse.
2. OMG - will you please quit your whining? We're tired of it. It's all just an attention thing and those of us who have known you longer are aware of it and are ignoring you. Get your shit together and shut the fuck up.
3. Bitch, do you honestly think I don't know you stabbed me in the back? Do what you want, go where the hell you want, but don't think I'm EVER going to trust one word you say again.
4. Look, you fucking moron. I've told you. Other people have told you. WE DON'T FUCKING CARE! You keep slipping your insulting digs in even when you promised you wouldn't. We're sick of your obsessing over your (supposedly) bi-polar girlfriend. I really don't give a damn about your country - we've got problems of our own - and it's not even your fucking country. Have you ever even been there? Quit living in the past and making yourself a victim - YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE! Did you notice I left the room when you opened your mouth with the same old crap? No, because you live in your own tiny little universe. It comes down to this - shut the fuck up.
5. Are you insane? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know? Are you capable of participating in a theoretical/philosophical discussion? Do you understand what it means? And where the fuck do you get off trying to tell the rest of us to stop talking about it because you don't like the topic - if it bothers you so damn much, then get off your bony ass and leave. And what does the zodiac have to do with being a manager? And bitch - my friend is FEMALE regardless of what physical sex she was born. How did you end up with such shit for brains to with insult her like that? Get a fucking clue.
pain in the ass twats,
whiney ass babies