
Aug 19, 2013 15:47

Last night we flew in nearly two hours after we were supposed to. The flight was delayed coming in, and then we were missing a computer part, and the long shot is: we didn't leave until after we should have landed. And then it was turbulent, although I zenned my way through that with meditation and trying to deceive my husband with my seeming serenity. :) But we finally got in and collapsed. :)


I am so pooped from just a morning of hauling my butt around a shopping center so labyrinthine it reminded me of how casinos trap people inside to keep them from leaving so they spend more money.

Bellevue is clean and nice and totally not for me. It's like if you took suburbia and tried to pile it together to make a downtown core of a city. (Which is totally fine for some folks.)

I've been pondering why I'm so tired and then I remember, oh, right, you just spent the last two days doing the fourth or fifth most stressful thing a western-hemisphere First World human can do, which is packing up, throwing out, and moving. Okay, the lists vary on this, I've seen at least one list that puts it above death of a loved one, and I think those people are on crack. Here's a more scientifically derived list which I don't find all that accurate for me personally, since I put moving way ahead of a bunch of things on that list and they have it down at Change of Residence. But then if you add up a bunch of things on that list that are incidental to moving, like change of recreation, job loss, etc, it might add up to a more cumulative whole.

Poor John's been at work, so I feel guilty for complaining about being tired, since he's endured all the same stuff I've been. (Although his weeks have been more regular than mine in the last month.) He's flown more often too, and flying usually takes a lot out of me for a good 24 hours after.

Anyway, got temporary bin things to store my clothes until we can get the new place and have the movers bring our things. I also made Lego people of John and me at the Lego store in the mall, so you can see how stressful that was. (Sarcasm.) I'm gonna check out the library hours and then collapse for a nap or somefing.
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