Been Messing about in the ME3 Demo CC. I've already posted all these faces up @ Mass Effect 2 Faces Database, but I thought I'd put them all here as well for anyone looking for facecodes. These faces were designed for ME3. I doubt they'd do well in ME or ME2.
*NOTE: I haven't altered the screencaps apart from cropping/re-sizing. These are all as they appeared in my PC Game.
This Post is Image Heavy!
Colette Shepard
Face Code: 743.L9G.L1E.416.GEJ.A6A.1ID.711.E42.1L7.3G6.575
Amity Shepard
Face Code: 533.4BM.9JA.F8B.JJ8.5F6.4BG.414.M8B.8D5.DG5.478
Enyo Shepard
Note: I don't have the collage because I've tweaked the code since I posted this code on the ME2 Faces Database.
Face Code: 143.4GI.I11.M98.DMM.1HK.CPK.911.QH8.4J7.6G6.676
Dakota Shepard
Face Code: 723.85A.MC1.D31.RE6.6BR.17G.419.N69.1J9.3G6.776