Penny and Makoa

Aug 08, 2012 20:00

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shared sims, sims 3

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Comments 15

furryjackal August 9 2012, 03:30:42 UTC
Oooh! I like them both! Makoa is very nice looking! Was he your attempt to make a dark, African American-toned Sim, too? :)

I have no idea what nationality/ethnicity Grant wound p with but maybe he's Hawaiin, too! Who knows. His face is sort of random! I should upload him.

But yes, I'm loving Makoa!


pixelcurious August 9 2012, 03:53:07 UTC
Thanks! ^_^ By the time I finished this I couldn't tell if he was attractive or not, you know how that goes? Like the blind men and the elephant. "An elephant is like a tree trunk! Yeah!"

Yeah, he started out being my attempt but he took a turn along the way. I blame the Hawaiian shorts he randomed into for swim trunks. Suddenly he needed a tropical shirt too, and it went on from there. I also blame my lack of good hair. I need to go hair shopping then I'll try again. :D

Grant is lovely whatever he is!


madame_ugly August 9 2012, 11:25:00 UTC
Penny has that kind of over confident (bordering on snotty) look of a teenager who's never been told "no" in her life. Not that she's really spoiled, but more that she's so charismatic no one ever wanted to tell her no (or she talked her way out of it).

I can see her running roughshod over Makoa (what with him being a hopeless romantic--that always translates just a little as "dupe" in my book).

Now I'm going to ask another generic sims3 question (as is my way). Is it hard to add custom sliders to the game? And how do they effect offspring? Like do the "cc shoulders" (so to speak) just disappear on the spawn or do they have slighly more/less (than a non slider sim) shoulders? (my guess is it falls off on the offspring)


pixelcurious August 9 2012, 18:24:35 UTC
Not that she's really spoiled, but more that she's so charismatic no one ever wanted to tell her no (or she talked her way out of it).Yeah, she has that charmingly manipulative feel to her. Almost a Heather. I can totally see her heading up a clique. That reminds me, I keep meaning to read that book "Queen Bees and Wannabes." I should put it on my Amazon wish list ( ... )


furryjackal August 9 2012, 19:26:06 UTC
The Genetics in Sims 3 are very simplified as Pixel pointed out. There's no 'recessive/dominant' theh best I can figure. The Sims just seem to blend out whatever's there. As far as the sliders, I think they do transfer to the kids.

I've had kids wind up with pointy ears, in the past but it's been a while since I had my pointy ears have kids. At the very least, increasing the limits on the slides that come WITH the game, will pass on. It's the additional slider features that I'm not entirely sure of. Sometimes (and to crazy levels, too) I've had some wind up with their jaw slid way down because I tend to make longer faces and the jaw-height slider goes nutso, with that.

The features just sort of pick whatever from the parents, though, that much I know. Pietro's and Christopher's son wound up with Pietro's sharp nose and Christopher's eyes.


kin_thalas August 9 2012, 12:23:23 UTC
Makoa looks great. Penny is not my type.

It's a pity that, no matter how hard one's trying with the sliders, the sims in TS3 all look like they share the same genetics, somehow. But you managed to break out of that scheme with Makoa. I really like him.


pixelcurious August 9 2012, 17:55:17 UTC
Thank you!

I used to think that about Sims 3. But they've really grown on me over the years.


furryjackal August 9 2012, 19:17:53 UTC
That's the difference between good Sims makers and bleh Sims makers. Mine all look alike because I habitually keep using the same features.
But on the other hand, mine don't look all round faced, either.

Sims can look unique in TS3 just as much as 2 if people would bother to try. PixelCurious, Gheez and SixAMSims all prove this is true. Take a look through their Tumblrs and LJs and you'll see. The Sims that came with the game I think the creators just got lazy with them. Some of the later sims the Devs have made look much more unique.


pixelcurious August 9 2012, 19:30:39 UTC
Are you ripping on Penny's round head? :O

(Just kidding! :D she's purposefully round headed)


amaryssobellus August 9 2012, 15:34:53 UTC
I really like them both, can't wait to get home today and download them. Penny's personality really shines through these photos. She seems like something is always smelling rotten around her. LOL.


pixelcurious August 9 2012, 18:02:16 UTC
Thank you! I see what you mean about Penny. ^_^ She also seems like the type to tease others just to get them mad, and then laugh at them. I had a friend like that, drove me nuts. She had me bamboozled for awhile because she was so charming about it, but finally I realized she just had a mean streak.


gheez August 11 2012, 14:47:47 UTC
Penny reminds me of a Sindy doll (or Barbara Bush*) what with those skinny shoulders and slightly over-sized head.

*Think it was Barbara Bush. Well, whoever it was, that woman claimed that one could never be to rich or too thin and she was so skinny that her head looked too big. I used to have a mini-rant regularly on seeing her - thinking especially of people round the world who were too thin because they were not too rich - g'ah she bugged me. All because of that statement. Oh dear, mini-rant again. Sorry.

Makao is incredibly cute. I think I like his taste in shirts ;)

They look good as young adults. It seems to soften some of Penny's edges but I'm sure I still see some hint of an inner bitch in the glint in her eyes.


pixelcurious August 11 2012, 15:58:32 UTC
Oh, that quote infuriates me too! It just smacks of conceited self-entitlement.

I'd forgotten about Sindy dolls. I might have had one as a child, or something similar. It occurs to me now that Penny also looks a bit like a Blythe doll. If I gave her bigger eyes, smaller mouth and nose, and wistful eyebrows she would look more like one...

Makao blushes and thanks you!


gheez August 12 2012, 01:38:37 UTC
I can see the resemblance to the Blythe doll; and now that I've looked at them, I can see that Penny is really rather pretty.


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