pixel_trade May Founder Simsperiment

May 31, 2009 00:50

Featuring sims from: javabean_dreams, laurensa, tiipiipii, brilliantcat

Cameo sim: Apricot by forestpixie

First...let us meet the oven for all those buns...

Teyla Michaels (made by javabean_dreams) generously volunteered to birth our simsperiments. Thanks Teyla!

Glen Coleman (made by tiipiipii) is our only male genetic contributer. And he's pretty hawt in my opinion.

Julie Anderson (made by laurensa) has a very cute look...I love her mouth!

Delcie Smartpuss (made by brilliantcat) is our beautiful elvin contributor.

Apricot: So, I hear you're sharing your seed and making babies for the sake of science.
Crispin: Eeewwww...I'm trying to read over here! Gawd!
Glen: ...

Mommy goes pop! First contributer is Glen...I'm feeling very optimistic.

In no time, Teyla goes into labor introducing our first result!

A little boy! His name is Slane Michaels-Coleman.
Glen looks like he's either really happy or about to drop a load.

Closer look at baby Slane...has his father's skintone and hair color.

Teyla: So, get this they put your genetic materials into my eggs and we have a baby even thought we're both girls.
Julie: Brrrwha?
Delcie: LALALALALA...oh look at that fly...lallalala.

Julie is the next contributor to our genetic experiment.

Glen shows off his mad-awesome parenting skills.

Teyla charges up for the inevitable labor.

Slane ages up to toddler...hmmm...the nose seems a little interesting.

Showtime! Geeze...it looks uncomfortable.

Another beautiful baby boy! His name is Pax. Mother's skin color and hair color with blue eyes.

Baby Slane picspam. Toddler table=the shiz!

Teyla: Wanna make a baby?
Delcie: Does it hurt?
Teyla: Well...yeah. But it doesn't hurt you. And by now, my vagina is like the Lincoln Tunnel.
Delcie: You are damaging my delicate elvin sensibilities.

Flying baby can fly! Pax is ready to age up!

Tada! Teyla's nose and Julie's mouth! CUTENESS!

Maternal pride looks good on Teyla.

Slane ages up to child. Oh...that nose.

Here comes baby #3!

A girl (finally!) An interesting skintone (hmmm...I guess my defaults aren't genetisized). Red hair with Delcie's grey eyes.
Her name is Kaya.

Slane was constantly engaging people in dancing...it was cute for about...the first three times. Then it just go weird.

Pax ages to child. He's very cute! The noses in the boys are really distinctive. o__O

Pax continues to use his amazing flying abilities.

Slane ages to teenager. This is post make-over. I can honestly say I've never seen a sim like him. His features are distinctive and he looks like a "real" person...not perfect. I like it.

I decided to try another simsperiment with Glen. Sato was the the result. Her skin was blinding white and her features barely discernible.

Kaya ages up to toddler is remains GORGEOUS! Look at that face!

Pax ages to teenager. Pretty much nothing has changed.

A little father-son bonding time with the ol' train set. They nearly froze out there.

I just want to eat her up for dinner!

Slane finally reaches adulthood.

The beautiful Kaya post childhood make-over. EEPS! No elvin ears though. :(

Here's Sato aged to a child. Yes...I took her picture on the toilet. She looked super happy about being there so why not?

Because she still had such bright white skin...I used a lot of make-up on her just so her features were more clear and noticeable. The result is she looks older than she really is.

Kaya ages up to teenager.

Some of the kids hanging out.

Kaya rocks! LITERALLY!


Kaya's goofy grown-up grin!

Sato's aging is a bit rushed as I was desperate to complete the challenge. Sato is a pleasant surprise. Her skin mellows out as she got older and she ends but being one of the most stunning sims in the batch. I have to say...her looks are amazing.

(all downloads are NO CC)

Slane Michaels-Coleman
Turn Ons: Creativity and Cleaning Skills
Turn off: Brown Hair
1 sloppy/neat
3 shy/outgoing
10 lazy/active
8 serious/playful
4 grouchy/nice
Download: http://www.box.net/shared/0ghh10hs07

Pax Michaels-Anderson
Turn Ons: Chubbiness and Jewelry
Turn Off: full face make-up
6 sloppy/neat
5 shy/outgoing
1 lazy/active
7 serious/playful
8 grouchy/nice
Download: http://www.box.net/shared/qlgs7m32j1

Kaya Michaels-Smartpuss
Turn Ons: Jewelry and Bathing suits
Turn Offs: good cooking
8 sloppy/neat
10 shy/outgoing
2 lazy/active
6 serious/playful
4 grouchy/nice
Download: http://www.box.net/shared/p48x6uuugl

Sato Michaels-Coloman
Turn Ons: Logical and Charismatic
Turn Off: Muscular
2 sloppy/neat
1 shy/outgoing
6 lazy/active
8 serious/playful
8 grouchy/nice
Download: http://www.box.net/shared/rt7l4uaggx

This concludes the simsperiment. :)

laurensa, forestpixie, brilliantcat, !simsperiments, tiipiipii, javabean_dreams

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