Hello. :) I seriously hope this isn't against the rules. I asked a mod about this ages ago and never did get a reply.
I'm working on a sims story that features maxis premade bin-sims and sims from Bluewater Village, which can be found at
bluewater_218. Though it has never been my style to ONLY use maxis sims. I'm looking for some sims who would be willing to play 'extras' in a hospital scene. I'm not looking for pretty sims or blonde sims or anything like that. More specifically, I'm looking for sims who have, at one point, in any incarnation:
- Been abducted by aliens
- Been in the Science career or the Medical career
- Or had a science or medicine career LTW (that didn't get competed for whatever reason).
I don't care if it's a sim you made, or a sim someone else made who you downloaded & played with, or a sim who was born in game. As long as they fit one of the above criteria, I'm happy to take them.
Thanks so much for your help!