Changes to tagging structure at Pixel Trade:

Aug 24, 2011 15:15

As a response to several requests we've been getting privately about different age groups, we've decided to make some changes to the way we're tagging sim submissions to the community. Namely decommissioning the '!sim submission' tag and replacing it with a series of '!download: agegroup' tags instead.

This change has also been reflected in the rules.

As 90% or so of the sims shared to this community are adults, to help speed up this process we've so far simply replaced the '!sim submission' tag with '!download: adult'.

BUT! Obviously this is going to be incorrect for some of the shared posts, or is not the only tag required on some multi-age shared posts.

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ How you can help!

We'd love it if you, the members, could go back and edit your own posts to reflect what kind of age groups you've shared to the community.

You can see all of the sim submission posts you've made to pixel trade by entering the following into your address bar:!download:%20adult

(Obviously replacing yourusername with your username ;)). If you've uploaded only adults to the community then you're obviously fine and dandy - CARRY ON, CITIZEN! - But if you've uploaded other ages we'd love it if you could alter your tags to reflect this.

Hopefully this will make it easier for those who'd prefer to download specific age groups to townify/feature in their posts to find sims at a click of a button. ^^

The available pre-set options are:

!download: child/toddler
!downlad: teen
!download: young adult
!download: adult
!download: elder

Thankyou EVERYONE in advance for doing this. :D

Edit: If you need the '!download: adult' tag removed, please leave a message here with the url(s) of the post(s) so I or one of the other mods can do that for you. ^^

⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Questions/Comments?

If you're unclear on anything, want to know more, have more community suggestions, or ANYTHING related to this post, PLEASE don't hesitate to comment on this announcement here. THANKS! ^_^

!rule clarifications, !mod post

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