Pet Breeding Results!

Feb 18, 2011 10:08

This is Bluestar. He was created by Hopelessly at MTS. All eyes are defaults from awasegg @ MTS (I used the Hunter - Ice defaults). The noses are also defaults created by Strange_girl @ MTS. All of the uploaded offspring were checked using the Clean Installer and found to be CC free (i.e. if you want the noses and eyes to look like the pictures, you'll have to download the defaults).

I began by breeding Bluestar with the lovely Dollface by alfredaskew !


This pairing resulted in the lovely Sandra...


...and her brother, Jono!

They were both bred with the adorable Rorschach by madame_ugly !


Rorschach + Sandra = Carolyn


Rorschach + Jono = Tony

Since each pairing only produced one kitten (and since I was getting annoyed at the lack of genetic diversity appearing in my kittens) I decided to breed each of the newest kittens with Cimmerian by madame_ugly .


Cimmerian + Carolyn = Paige (proof that genetics can rear their head at any moment!)


Cimmerian + Tony = Sonja (who, unfortunately, decided to carry on the almost-a-clone tradition)

The final contributor was Quoise by sadieg79 .


Paige + Quoise = Beth


Sonja + Quoise = Jordan (and genetics finally triumph!)

All offspring are up for download (just click their names). I included their lineage in the description when I packaged them, just in case anyone cared. If you do decide to pop one in your game, I'd love it if you dropped me a comment to let me know!


teffielynne, alfredaskew, !pet breeding, sadieg79, madame_ugly

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