The Northmans Gen 3.2~

Jan 28, 2011 00:34

Ok, so last time Dengri married Claudio by dorkasaur_sims, he whored himself out at the beach, they had a bunch of baby girls, and i say BUNCH, and that was pretty much it. Now we're on to what I believe is sim week #7 and mini challenge rolled isss:
I Forgot My Keys! Your sims are locked out of their own house for a week while the entire city's locksmiths are on strike. You're allowed to purchase two tents maximum in addition to anything else you may have outside the house already, but nothing else. You're allowed to keep your infants/toddlers 'in the shed' with one fridge to avoid having them taken by the social worker - no other sim may eat from the fridge, however.
FML! Sim family of 14(1 baby) living outside for a whole week with nothing but 2 tents and a playground? << That was pretty much my reaction, and the moment where I stopped playing this lot, haha. Anyways, on with the story:
(Clickie here for the update, 66 pics~)
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