Hey there community. Some of you may remember me from the slew of questions I posted a few days ago. If so, hello again! If not, hello for the first time ever. XP
After receiving such a warm welcome and several encouragements to post my Legacy (which is the first I've ever done) I've decided to go through with it and throw myself to the lions.
Seriously though, the first bit is shaky because I hadn't gotten it in my head to change the default settings so the pictures wound up being pretty crappy. @_@ But if you can suffer through them for a few minutes I promise that much better, larger pictures soon follow. I'm learning as I go here.
If you can't tell, I'm very nervous about this so if my rambling hasn't and won't chase you away then come on over and check out my Legacy featuring Sims by
bondchick_nett (only hers so far but others will follow)!
(click badly edited because I don't currently have Photoshop image to see Part One XD)