Maplecliffe BACC Challenge, Week 6: Kenzie Brown

May 11, 2013 01:04

This is the house that Kenzie built. There's not much besides the house itself, but we'll get there eventually.

Kermes(bondchick_nett): H-hey, Kenz--
Kenzie: I don't care how you fucking do it. Every single one of your students better have straight A's, or you're going to pay the penalty she became a teacher, I'll never know. I think she'd have been better off as a criminal.

And yet, when she picks up the guitar, she's like a child again.

Before long, it's time to invite Pluto (cosmetical) over for a little lovin'.

It doesn't take long.

And next thing we know, they're shacking up! I can't remember how much money he brought to the house, but this is all the crap he brought with him. TWO telescopes! And I think she already had one. Maybe. I can't remember. I think I kept the karaoke machine too. And possibly the DJ booth, but don't quote me on it. Maybe the chess table too.

I really didn't like her hair, so I decided to give Kenzie a little makeover. This is a little better. I really hate her damn chin though. It's too flat and wide. It looks good on Max, but terrible on her.

Aww, look who have shown up!

And Juliet heads straight to the karaoke machine. Looks like I did keep that one.

Ooh! Is someone pregnant?!

Guess it's time for a wedding party!

Kenzie: What the fuck, Pluto?! I'm trying to make myself beautiful for OUR WEDDING and you fucking flush the toilet when I'm in the shower?! *RAAAAAAAAGE*
Whoa, someone needs to take it down a notch there, Kenzie.

Anyway, wedding! The guests!

How nice of Lucien to show up and steal the thunder from Kenzie during the toast.

Ok, I know that these guys are a close-knit family, but this is a little too close for my tastes. It's a little ridiculous.

Aww, a beautiful moonlit wedding. So pretty.

Then it's cake time! At least Kenzie actually gets the cake into Pluto's mouth, unlike so many other brides.

Aww, so sweet. I love when they feed each other. So cute.

Apparently Pluto can't control himself once they're finally alone again. Hey, having to spend all day around company can't be easy for newlyweds.

And spermination has been achieved!

Apparently Pluto is happy with this news. ^.^

Pluto decides to immortalize his new wife on canvas.

WA-BAM! Third trimester, here we come!

Pure class, that Kenzie. 100%.

Time for Pluto to go to work! He's so cute.

Baby time! Meet Lily!

Excited daddy!

All Pluto has to do is hold Lily, and Kenzie is a puddle of mush. What'll she be like when he teaches Lily to talk? lol.

Pluto does not trust his little angel with the nanny. I don't blame him. There's something about her I just don't like. I can't wait to have a university. As soon as someone has a cow plant, that nanny is going to get it.

These two are so. fucking. cute.

Birthday time for Lily!

So fucking cute. Pluto is such a great dad.

Oh holy Christ. Well, she's...interesting-looking. And she's got a massive noggin. Here's hoping she'll grow into that face. She's a bit Leno-y at the moment.

Although, she does have pretty eyes. Maybe there is potential for her after all.

Kenzie's a good parent too--just not as good as Pluto. But she pulls her weight with the skill-teaching, so she still gets points.

And apparently they've decided that one kid isn't enough. Here's hoping for #2!

Alright, so she's grown on me a little bit. She's kind of cute there in her Care Bear pj's and playing with her mirror like that. I don't know. We'll see how she turns out.
But that'll have to wait till next week! That's all there is for this week! Next up, Nyx Foster!

Appearances of sims made by:

cosmetical, simsforaranya, simplesimphony, !sims 2, bondchick_nett

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