Maplecliffe BACC Challenge, Week 5: Foster

May 21, 2012 14:09

New week, new challenge! Easy enough.

Florence (whysimswhy) spends her time at the beginning of the week painting to get up her creativity skill so that she'll be able to pain Vayu's portrait later on.

And Vayu spends time on his new novel, since he had a want. It's clearly an unauthorized tell-all about her sordid past.

And when writer's block hits, he takes his frustration out on the poor, defenseless sink.

Snowfluff and Wormsquawk grew up into identical adults. Actually, I think they might have different-coloured eyes, but that's about it. I don't have a picture, but later on in the week, Firebolt tries to give snowfluff to Sailor, but she wouldn't take her, apparently because she's poor. Oh well. Maybe next week.

I can't remember if this is her first or second pop, but yay babies!

And then I got tired of her hair, so I changed it. I like this much better.

Nyx gets home from school and immediately parks herself on the couch like the diva I have a feeling she'll become.

And she only got up again when it was time to blow out the candles.

Wow, she turned out to be gorgeous! Way better than I thought she would. She seems to get better and better at each life stage! The only think I don't like about her is that her eyes are too small for my taste. I love her nose now. She rolled Romance/Fortune, with an LTW to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches. Not as easy when she can't conjure them up, but we'll give it a go! She likes girls in swimsuits who value cleanliness over all else, but hats are deal-breakers.

First grilled cheese! 199 to go! I wonder if there's a way to tell how many she's eaten. I didn't keep track after this first one.

Nyx decides to go out to find herself a woman. First she heads down to the food mart to get some groceries because they're running low. She tries to flirt it up with hoodiedoodiex's Xya, but Xya's not having it.

She has more luck with Loop from kathsy.

And once she's got her on the line, she grabs her new cell phone and then heads home.

The next day, she heads to the shop with her dad. And there's actually a shop now! It wasn't until a bit later that I remembered that Vayu had some food in his inventory that Florence had made. She's got at least a 5 in cooking, so I think we'll make it a bakery-slash-electronics store. Haha.

I put Vayu on cash and Nyx on sales. I don't think she minds getting to talk up pretty girls like Derpina (noodlesims) and Opal (verocchio).

Though she could treat her male customers a little better. Poor Gold (also verocchio).

Nyx: So, let's get down to business, shall we? What're you buying?"

Apparently, her approach works. Yay, bronze badge!

Vayu takes a little longer in learning how to use the register. Numair Knight (simsforaranya) is less than impressed.

Aww, too bad, Paraskevi (voleste). You're a little too late! I'm sure you'll find your way into one of the families at some point.

She's so pretty. I love pregnant sims. Well, the look of them. Taking care of them? Not so much fun.

Whoops. I think that was supposed to be pop #2.

That's awesome, Europa. Just pee directly onto the mop. I'm sure Vayu won't mind.

The incident is soon forgotten.

Florence: After we get married, can we have sex again?

I forgot that these two hadn't gotten married yet, and I want the kids to have the Foster name, so I gave them a quickie wedding. So cute.

Nyx autonomously calls up Loop and invites her over for a mid-afternoon booty call.

Who immediately comes over. Aww, young(-ish) love.

Nyx gets her first kiss...

And her first dance...

But Loop draws the line at hand holding. That shit's too intense.

Making out is okay though. In fact, it's apparently the deciding factor on whether or not they should be best friends.

All of that is forgotten, though, when Florence goes into labour!

We've got twin boys! This is Lucien.

And this is Soulspirit.

Aww, happy parents!

Nyx is a great big sister too!

Okay, that's a little weird. Clearly, you aren't shy, Vayu, but wow, maybe you could've actually shooed your daughter's girlfriend out of the bathroom before dropping trou and doing your business.

Founder painting almost done!

But it's going to have to wait until a little later. It's birthday time for both sets of twins!

Teenified Firebolt. Eh, he's not bad. He rolled Romance/Family and wants to be a criminal mastermind. He likes creative chicks with full face makeup, but hates hats.

And Avelina! Better than Firebolt, though her nose looks huge from the side. Anyway, she's Popularity/Romance and wants to become The Law. Perfect. It just so happens we've got a spot open in law, just for her! She likes gingers in their underwear, but cologne is a turn off.

Here's Soulspirit! He's not bad, and I do love that he's got Vayu's eyes.

And Lucien. He's cute! And he's clearly got a lot of both of his parents in him. Aww, he makes me want to let Vayu and Florence have more babies. I'd love for them to have a girl.

Though, holy ears, Batman! They're humungous! I think Avelina's got them too. I can't remember, but man, they're huge. He looks like a monkey when his hair doesn't cover them.

Avelina and Firebolt celebrate the younger twins' birthdays with dance, while Nyx gets stuck fixing the computer, because she's the only one with high enough mechanical skill.

Meanwhile, Florence gets started on teaching Lucien his skills.

That night, Loop drops off a pinball machine for Nyx because she loved their date so much. Sweet! It's going straight into her inventory so that she can use it later, once she moves out.

This is Pepper, by verocchio. She is hot. So one of the teenagers flags her down when she walks by.

Sorry, Pepper. Nyx is taken.

You can have Firebolt though!

I don't think she minds the switch.

Sooooo pretteh.

We interrupt the young love to bring you this--Soulspirit walking around and just generally being adorable.

We now return to our regularly scheduled program.

Well, that's two out of three kids down. Now Avelina needs to find herself a man. She heads down to the club and makes a beeline for the pool table. Which is fine, since no eligible guys have shown up yet anyway.

We can work with this! Doomtrain (quinctia) is hot!

They're off to a good start!

The bartender does not like that Firebolt's macking on Sundiata (alfredaskew) when he's already got a super hot girlfriend. He's a romance sim! And he wanted to flirt with her after he met her. I couldn't say no!

I think there might be issues between Nyx and Pepper. Makes me want to throw them together as much as I can. Keep things interesting.

I love it when toddlers sleep in the doghouse. It's so adorable.

Even though she hit it off with Doomtrain, Avelina's still keeping her options open. And brilliantcat's Kane is an excellent option. They hit it off right away.

Doomtrain is all but forgotten when Kane gives her her first kiss.

And then she shows him just how much she likes him with a water balloon to the face. And wow, what an evil face. You'd never know she has six nice points.

Lucien, on the other hand, only has three nice points. Obviously. He's ready to choke a bitch.

So Avelina chooses to interact with the other twin instead.

Avelina: Damn you, Raquel (dutchxfan). Damn you for being so hot.

Nyx: Just keep playing. Keep playing and tune her out.
Yeah, I'd be doing everything I could avoid listening to Pepper's fantasies involving Firebolt too. And hey, if maxing logic at the same time is a great bonus!

Pepper seems to get the hint a minute later and attacks Firebolt instead. At least he's a willing participant in their little activity.

Although, it looks like she might have a bit of competition. This is racing_oatmeal's Isolde.

And just to make things a little more complicated, Isolde also wants Vayu. Yeah, sorry, lady. That's a little too much for gen 2. You're going to have to wait for someone else if you want to get into one of the households.

Nyx shows off her dazzling skills. bondchick_nett's Ginger falls for it, hook, line, and sinker.

Firebolt, on the other hand, has a little more learning to do.

First of all, Unholy (verocchio), you and Vayu JUST met. There is no "get along as well as" anybody. Secondly, you're a customer at his store. Of course he's going to be nice to you. He wants you to buy shit, so if he has to flirt with you to make a sale, so be it. He's a fortune sim. He's got no scruples. And if he were to call up PT David, it would just be to try to sell him a computer or something. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR FRIEND?! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT?! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!

With all of these kids, there wasn't not enough room for them all in one level. So, with the money earned from the shop (including a couple of money perks from leveling up the place), we created a second level. It's basically just bedrooms for the kids, and another bathroom. I'm not a fan of the look of it from the outside, but I'm sure I'll have to expand again at some point anyway, so this is fine for now.

Ugh, believe me, Raquel, I wish she could take that job. Alas, your place is clearly a figment of your imagination, since no such dance studio exists as of yet. And I would know, for I AM ALL-SEEING.

Avelina: Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?
Poor Lina. She never saw it coming. Now she'll never be able to un-see it.

Since the boys are about to age up, the girls teach them their final toddler skill--the nursery rhyme. We did this with the sound off, because once I hear that damn tune, it's in my head for AGES.

Party time! I was stupid and invited a ton of people: Kunzite (verocchio), Verchiel, Doomtrain, Koios (racing_oatmeal), Raquel, Kella (kathsy), and Sundiata. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I rarely ever let them have parties, so I forgot that the more people that attend the party, the harder it is to keep everyone happy. I tried getting everyone to smustle, but that didn't work. They lit off a few firecrackers too, but that didn't work either. The party was a dud.

The twins don't mind though. They don't know any better. They're so adorable. I love huggles.

Cake time! It's tough getting everyone to crowd into the room, but just about everyone makes it in eventually.

Child-sized Soulspirit! I think he's cute! Definitely better now as a kid than he was as a toddler. Here's hoping he'll get even better-looking as a teen.

And child-sized Lucien! So cute. I'm kind of wishing he had more of the hippie name. It would've suited him better. Oh well. Maybe that's what makes it more interesting. Keeps you on your toes.

And that's it for the Fosters for now! Sailor's up next!

Appearances of sims made by:

verocchio, !sims 2, bondchick_nett, racing_oatmeal, kathsy, dutchxfan, simsforaranya, simplesimphony, voleste, brilliantcat, whysimswhy, alfredaskew, noodlesims, quinctia, hoodiedoodiex

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