May 11, 2010 17:00
Game game game game... I've refound my love with my PS3 xD I got Bayonetta at a really great price and well.. it's such a Rosi-like game :'D A witch who kicks the asses of angels with guns strapped to her high heels ♥
Life roooocks~♫ Everyday feels so awesome, be it rain or sunshine or whatever :D Feels like everything is on the right track, y'know. It's all wonderful now and it's on its way to become perfect~♪♫
Jkl has really become my home now tho >.> Feels great, but also weird. I want to study at TaiK, but I want to be here. Can't wait to see how things unravel, so I'll get to see the best option x]
So yesh, first year of university is behind me[almost]. 'Twas easier and more laid back than I expected. Maybe I'll be here for another year.. or two. Or maybe this was it for Jkl University. Dunno.
...But I do love this apartment xD