people dream about me.

Nov 14, 2005 20:31

emptypools xx: I had a dream about you last night
crash site xx: WHAT!
emptypools xx: YEAH!
crash site xx: what happened?
emptypools xx: okayy
crash site xx: was the school blown up
crash site xx: ?
emptypools xx: no
emptypools xx: we were on sesame street
emptypools xx: and we met big bird
emptypools xx: and he wanted to rape us
emptypools xx: and then we kicked him
emptypools xx: and then we ran down the street
crash site xx: wow
crash site xx: i love you
emptypools xx: and there were a lot of indians chanting 'no more whites.. no more whites'
crash site xx: ahahahahahahahah
crash site xx: wowwwww
emptypools xx: and then they threw sticks at us
emptypools xx: I was all wtf?
crash site xx: oh gosh..
emptypools xx: and then we ran
emptypools xx: and you fell
emptypools xx: so I helped you up
crash site xx: oh bummer
emptypools xx: and then blue came along
emptypools xx: and gave you a band aid
crash site xx: aw sweeet
emptypools xx: I was all you arent part of sesame street
emptypools xx: and you were just dazed
emptypools xx: you had no idea what was going on
emptypools xx: and then we ran into a house
crash site xx: ohhhh i never do
emptypools xx: hahaha :-)
emptypools xx: after that
emptypools xx: we met elmo and he wanted to color on us
emptypools xx: he was with the indian chant thing
emptypools xx: no more whites
emptypools xx: so he made us black
crash site xx: ewww
crash site xx: nastey
emptypools xx: and then we tried to act all gangster
emptypools xx: and we got shot
emptypools xx: and we died
emptypools xx: the end
crash site xx: 8e7543
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