Title: Golden Lights Go Dark Tonight
Rating: R
Category: AU gen oneshot
Word Count: 5098
Characters: Sam, Ruby, Dean and asst. others
Spoilers: S2: “All Hell Breaks Loose” Parts I & II; S3: It would have been helpful to see up through “Mystery Spot” to better understand things. However, the only episode from which information is directly stated is
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A wonderfully intense read.
Favorite lines:
With the end approaching far too fast, Dean is the one who finally says, “Stop. We need to stop. There’s nothing more we can do.”
The defeat in Dean’s words hurts.
“Couldn’t save your brother, huh? Boy, that sure does suck.”
Grr. *slaps her* (It’s so Ruby to be that cold in this kind of moment.)
At a bar where moths, fat and white, gather around the light on the porch outside and the jukebox plays every song with a background whine
Good details.
Other times, blood drips, thick and sticky, from the corners of his eyes, and he fights to breathe before the blackness swallows him. When he comes to consciousness, his face is buried in the carpet, smeared with his blood and snot.
Oh, Sam.
When he dizzily sits up, he discovers that he’s gone blind in his left eye, and his fingers now prickle when they move. There are opened wounds on his arms, glossy and gaping, that burn when he shifts. His body is falling apart under the sheer strain of what he’s unnaturally forcing it to do.
He laughs because he won’t need his body much longer anyway.
Eek! Creepy! It’s downright scary what he’s willing to do to save Dean.
they whisper as they scuttle, scratchy little insect feet on black rock,
Great description.
Another form with a skull for a head, picks away at its skin and eats the pieces with soft, slurping sounds from its pus oozing tongue.
Eew! *shudders*
He leaves Hell more alone than when he entered.
Oh, Sam.
He hears the father’s frantic footsteps hurrying up the stairs, calling for his wife,
I love this line, how he thinks of John and Mary in such clinical, impersonal terms. It really shows just how far gone Sam is at this point. Yikes!
I love this line, how he thinks of John and Mary in such clinical, impersonal terms. It really shows just how far gone Sam is at this point.
The ending was the hardest part for me to write because on one hand, he didn't feel completely evil to me. Insane? Yes. Obsessed? Yes. But evil? I dunno, because he's got this goal of "Save Dean" so firmly etched in his mind that it's hard for me to call him evil. Anyway, the ending was hard because he's not really evil to me, but he kills his own mother. So, I'm really glad that part worked for you and that the detatched feeling came through. :)
Again, thank you very much for your kind comments. :)
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