Title: Crescendo of the Moon
Rating: PG-13 for language, violence, and disturbing images
Pairing: None.
Characters: Dean and Sam
Category: Multi-chapter story falling in the action, drama, and angst categories.
Spoilers: “Pilot” and slight “Home”
Word Count: 1774 (this chapter)
Summary: After a past hunt leaves both Sam and Dean wounded, a new
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Comments 12
A small voice reminded him not to talk with his mouth full, but as his time with Dean progressed, he found such trifle manners depleting in their constant company together and opening up into a closer bond of their private moments.
It made me grin to think that even picking up bad habits can be a sign of intimacy between the brothers.
Cannot wait for the next chapter. Your summary really peaked my interest, and this chapter doesn't disappoint. Thanks!
I'm glad you liked the beginning! I'll try to have some more up as soon as I can! Thanks for the review! :)
I'm all giddy for the new story, Im so curious about it. And the imagery, awesome - as always. I can see all of this and it rocks.
P.S. is it weird that I thought of Crescendo Rising Crust Pizza .. hee.
Mmm, pizza sounds good right now. Heh.
Thanks for the review, as always! :)
Wonderfully descriptive and a vague sense of impending darkness. Which of course was verified by a smiling black lizard on the side of a desert road.
Can't wait to see more hon'. *hugs*
Thank you for the review! :)
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