PixCT: 06.10

Jun 10, 2010 18:23

It's that time again...

  • Slash (Dean/Sam)
  • Adult
  • ~730 words

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    A combination of fic, pic, and cock, and that's really all there is to it.
    All About Cock Thursday

    So Far
    September 07-September 08
    September 08-September 09

    DruCT: 09.17
    DruCT: 09.24
    DruCT: 10.01
    DruCT: 10.08
    DruCT: 10.15
    DruCT: 10.22
    DruCT: 10.29
    DruCT: 11.05
    DruCT: 11.12
    DruCT: 11.19

    DruCT: 01.21
    PixCT: 01.21
    DruCT: 01.28
    PixCT: 01.28
    DruCT: 02.04
    PixCT: 02.04
    DruCT: 02.11
    PixCT: 02.11
    DruCT: 02.18
    PixCT: 02.18
    DruCT: 02.25
    PixCT: 02.25
    DruCT: 03.04
    PixCT: 03.04
    DruCT: 03.11
    PixCT: 03.11
    DruCT: 03.18
    PixCT: 03.18
    DruCT: 03.25
    PixCT: 03.25
    DruCT: 04.01
    PixCT: 04.01
    DruCT: 04.08
    PixCT: 04.08
    DruCT: 04.15
    PixCT: 04.15
    DruCT: 04.22
    PixCT: 04.22
    DruCT: 04.29
    PixCT: 04.29
    DruCT: 05.06
    PixCT: 05.06
    DruCT: 05.13
    PixCT: 05.13
    DruCT: 06.03

    PixCT: 06.03

    - - - - -

    DruCT: 06.10
    My fic:
    Slash (Wincest: Dean/Sam) oneshot
    Adult rating
    ~730 words

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    Pix’s Pic Pick

    “Do you see that?” Sam asked, leaning into Dean, lifting an arm to point into the sky.

    “The star?” Dean asked, squinting his eyes as if he could somehow get closer to the bright, white dot in the far place of the sky.

    “Not a star. A planet.”

    Dean nodded. Understood it well enough. “You know which planet?”

    Sam turned to him and grinned. Except for the faint light coming from the barn, the world around them was black. Yet, even in the darkness, Dean saw Sam’s smile completely and easily.

    “As if you have to ask,” Sam said, elbowed Dean gently. “Think back. Back to when.”

    Dean sighed, a little sad and a little wistful. “They have no idea what’s coming, do they?”

    “Did we?”

    “No. But…” Dean trailed off, trying to think of a good argument. One that would hold against Sam’s powers of persuasion. Sam always had been the more convincing one out of the two of them, but after Lucifer had jumped inside him, Sam’s powers were taken to a whole new level. And more than just those powers of persuasion. The other powers.

    “Let them have their time,” Sam said, pulling Dean down into the grass beside him.

    Dean swallowed, let Sam lean against him, all tall and heavy, thick warmth against his side. The grass beneath them was wet and cool with heavy dew. Around them, the night summer air was cool, and the world was silent except for the occasional insect or barking dog. Not as if the mosquitoes would bother them, though. Mosquitoes lived off blood, and blood came from those who had living bodies.

    “Couldn’t make it any longer? Give them more time?”

    “Make what any longer?” Sam asked.

    “When things are good. When things are being fucked up.”

    Sam chuckled, a little puff of air against the bare skin of Dean’s neck. “You know that’s not my call.”

    Dean nodded. “Right. Of course. You don’t make the rules. You just follow them.”

    “They tell me where to go and I follow. That’s all.”

    “So, if you’re all about following, you going to tell me why we came here?” Dean asked. Through the wet grass, his hand found Sam’s own, locked fingers and squeezed.

    “I was waiting for you to figure it out.”

    “I’m not the one with all the powers. You gotta help me out here, Sam.”

    “Summer of ’97. You, me, and all the strawberries we could eat. See? Beyond the barn there? Strawberry fields. The cat gave birth that summer. A litter of four kittens in that barn, too. You remember her name?”

    Dean paused, thinking, and at last, answered, “Pumpkin.”

    Sam nodded. “It was a good year for us.”

    “Yeah,” Dean agreed, “it was.” He remembered he and Sam slipping away from Dad’s watchful eye to gorge themselves silly on strawberries. Sneaking into the barn where the only witness to their kisses was Pumpkin. Being here, being so close to the past, made Dean smile, unable to stop himself.

    They continued to sit together, Sam’s head resting against Dean’s shoulder, his hand running idly up and down the inseam of Dean’s jeans, as if he meant to do something more. But, Dean’s cock seemed to pay no attention to the gentle touch, too occupied by staring at the bright star-planet-in the distance.

    “So, what’s there?” Dean asked.


    “On the planet. The bright star up there.”

    “I thought we already went through this,” Sam said, not annoyed, just confused.

    “I know, I know. It’s us. In the past. Like every other planet you take us to. It’s us in the past. But, when?”

    “Guess,” Sam said, and Dean knew without looking at him that he was smiling now.

    Dean stayed silent, thinking. “Give me a clue.”

    “It’s after Stanford. But before…”

    “Dad’s death,” Dean finished.

    “Mm-hm,” Sam murmured. Correct answer received. “You remember that time?”

    “We finally came back together.”

    “The beginning of it all.”

    “It was a good time,” Sam said. “All things considered. Even if I didn’t know it back then.”

    “There was a lot we didn’t know back then,” Dean pointed out.

    “Good thing we’ve got this whole immortality thing to spend the rest of time to figure out the rest we don’t know, huh?”

    “Yeah,” Dean said, closing his eyes against the warmth of Sam’s body against his. “Good thing.”

  • ct: june 3, supernatural, cock thursday, wincest, fanfiction

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