Untitled #18 (Gen, PG-13)

Feb 28, 2009 09:13

Title: Untitled #18
Rating: PG-13
Category: Gen oneshot
Word Count: 472
Characters: Sam and Dean
Spoilers: Vague for S4
Summary: Because blood's thicker than water
Author’s Notes: This is a little (early) something for tigriswolf's birthday. A very long time ago (so long ago, it's nearly embarrassing), she said this to me, and I've been holding onto that comment ever since. Well, this isn't quite like that, especially given recent events in the show and the direction things seem to be heading for our dear brothers. But, it's a bit of dark!fic that I hope adds a little bit of happiness to your special day. :)
Disclaimer: The following characters and situations are used without permission of the creators, owners, and further affiliates of the television show, Supernatural, to whom they rightly belong. I claim only what is mine, and I make no money off what is theirs.

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After Adam and Eve, after Lucifer built his palace, but before the horsemen rode and the earthquakes came, there was Sam and there was Dean and all the world between.

Sam climbed, looking for answers and looking for revenge, while following a girl demon with black hair and blacker eyes. But, Sam, he tripped and he stumbled, and somewhere during his great quest for Lilith's head on the proverbial platter, he fell. He fell hard and he fell fast, and it was over before he had a chance to catch himself.

Because, after all, the road to Hell, it's just paved with good intentions.

Even if those good intentions involve demons.

So, Sam came to Dean, and his eyes were clear. Beautiful and big as they had been since the day of his birth. But, he placed a hand on Dean's chest, and he silently blamed Dean while asking for forgiveness all the same.

His eyes were clear until he pushed his hand through Dean's chest and then his eyes turned white. He pushed his hand through Dean's shirt and flesh, and there wasn't a tear to the fabric or a drop of blood spilled. Bones were not broken and muscles were not shredded. But, he curled his cold fingers, and he wrapped them around Dean's heart that pulsed warm and pulsed strong and alive.

"Be my brother," Sam said while he squeezed, and Dean's blood turned from red to black, bubbling in his arteries as it rushed away from his heart. "Be my brother, and come with me."

Because, after all, blood's thicker than water as the saying goes.

Even if Cain killed Abel.

Dean had angels sitting on his shoulders, had been handpicked by the Lord to be saved from the depths of Hell, and he knew the difference between good and evil. He killed evil. He allowed good to live. But, this was his brother, and there was water from the river Styx flowing through his veins, making his skin bubble and darken, and this, this was Sam.

"I love you," Sam said, hand still on Dean's heart, "and I want you to live, but I can't have you standing in my way. There are things out there bigger than us now. Come with me, Dean, and you'll live. We'll live."

And, Dean, he so loved his brother, he sighed, breath rattling in his chest and tongue turning black in his head. He nodded and said, "Yes."

Sam smiled, and he released his hold on Dean. But, Dean's blood was already dark and his eyes darker, and he could only see Sam and nothing more. So, when Sam said it was time for the day of reckoning where the masses would burn and the seas would boil, Dean nodded and said, "For you, Sam, yes. For you, yes."


supernatural, oneshots, fanfiction, untitleds

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