Mikey: Not dead yet.

Sep 21, 2009 21:45

I am home, having not gone in to work today and having spent the afternoon at the hospital. Hopefully nothing exploded. Mikey is still at the hospital--he had an angiogram today, and although there's more plaque than they'd like to see in a man his age there was no constriction likely to cause a heart attack. Which is fine with me. In addition, the cumulative bloodwork of the last two days does not support a hypothesis of "heart attack". Which is also fine with me. There is a consistent indication of weakness on the left side of his heart, which is apparently genetic, and something that bears watching. He did not get to watch the angiogram, though, the screens were apparently at the wrong angle.

So, he gets drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and more exercise, and diet changes. I will probably be investigating ways to make things which are not bacon taste like bacon.

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