[popslash] Ricky Martin ~ Enough

Oct 26, 2006 11:49

Popslash / Ricky / Enough ~ 563 words

Ricky pushed his leg between Tony's, hands fisted in Tony's tee shirt. He pressed in close, could feel the heat rolling off Tony's body, hear Tony's breaths short and quick as he dipped his head down. Tony hesitated for only a moment before opening his mouth to Ricky and he could taste the coffee Tony had been drinking earlier.

Tony growled low in his throat, hands on Ricky's hips, fingertips digging in. Ricky knew there would be marks later, but didn't care. For now, he wanted this, only this. It had been far too long since he'd felt Tony's body against his, felt it respond to his.

Finally, Tony pushed him away with a grunt and stared at him, eyes dark and wild with confusion and something else that Ricky couldn't quite put a name to. They stood staring at each other, breathing quickly, faces flushed.

Tony swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. "What the hell was that?" he asked.

Ricky grinned, slow and naughty. "Telling me you didn't like it, Tonio?"

At this, Tony grinned back. "That's not what I said." He lowered his voice, flattened his palm on Ricky's hip, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin there. "I asked what that was. We're done, Kiki. We were done a long time ago."

Right then Ricky could name that other something in Tony's eyes and wished like hell he couldn't. Pain. Pain that he'd been the one to put there. He cursed quietly and wondered if he'd ever be able to take that pain away.

Tony took a small step forward, still watching Ricky. Ricky felt the bottom drop out of his stomach as those dark eyes stared up at him. He brought a hand up, lightly rubbed his thumb over Tony's full lower lip, kissed red and swollen. .

"I -" Tony began. He took his hand away from Ricky's hip and tried again. "I'm not sure I can do this," he said finally.

Ricky swore again, loudly this time, and ran a hand through his closely cropped hair. "I was - I was stupid before. So stupid. And I know I can't take that back, Tonio. All I can do is -"

Tony closed his eyes and shook his head. "Don't, Kiki. Don't make promises. That just makes it worse."

Ricky chuckled softly. "Who said anything about promises? I was just going to say I could only do my best to make sure it didn't happen again."

Tony took one of Ricky's hands in his and looked down at their linked fingers, then back up to Ricky. "And if your best isn't enough?"

"I don't know, Tonio. But all I can do is try. Is that enough?" Ricky took Tony's hands and held them over Tony's head and kissed Tony again - slow and soft and gentle. All of the things the other kiss wasn't. When he pulled away again, Tony was smiling. There was still a hint of pain in his eyes and Ricky knew he deserved that. He'd been a bastard to put it there and knew it was going to take time to clear it away. But there was also a hint of something else, something Ricky couldn't name again. He only hoped he'd have a chance to find out what it was.

"Well?" he finally asked.

Tony's smile grew. "Yeah, that's enough."


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