Stamped as Atta//Finding Nemo Theme

Nov 25, 2009 23:28

Name: Rose
Who were you stamped as? :
Princess Atta [Main]
Flik [Matchmaker]
Linguini [Ratatouille]
5 positive words about yourself: Considerate, analytical, enthusiastic, open-minded, respectful
5 negative words about yourself: Sarcastic, self-doubting, procrastinator, timid, indecisive
Describe what your life is like right now: It’s pretty hectic; I’m still working on college applications, but as I’m starting to turn them in, I can feel myself relaxing a bit. I cannot wait to be done, so that I can catch up on my free reading and spend more time with friends and family.
Describe your current love life & views of love: Right now, I really value platonic relationships; they’re what’s keeping me anchored. I’d like some romantic love to come my way eventually, but I don’t see the point of dating in high school. I’ve never been seriously interested in anyone, and I’m going to wait until I’m settled in college to even think about entering the “dating scene”.
Are you a happy now? Things could be worse. I’ll be happy when all of my applications are done.
Favorite Pixar film? Definitely Finding Nemo!
Hobbies? I’ve played the violin for 11 years, and I consider myself a Tolkien aficionado in training.

Are you:
[/ ] Curious
[x ] Kind
[x ] Worrisome
[/ ] A clean freak (only in some aspects of my life, especially the ones involving food. Otherwise, I’m a slob)
[ ] A leader
[/ ] A bit crazy
[x ] A dreamer

Have you seen Finding Nemo? Of course!
If not, why?
If so, did you like it? I love everything about the movie: the score by Thomas Newman, the animation, the beautiful colors (blue and orange protagonists, OMG YES), and the characters. Of all Pixar’s movies, Finding Nemo has some of my most favorite characters.

List of people I voted for:

finding nemo: marlin

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