I survived my first dentist appointment in waaaayyy too long. So I celebrated facing my fear by treating myself to mint chocolate for breakfast!! Afterwards, I brushed my teeth because I have 6 cavities to have filled and I want to avoid anymore! Yesterday me and my m-in-law hit the library and a cool tiny little church thrift store. I grabbed a whole bunch of 25 cent books for Lil' Pix3l and this wicked little Dracula piggy bank for her that she has named Mr. Him (she gets her interesting naming ability from Mr. Pix3l *rolls eyes*). I'll post picks of him later, he is soooo cute!
In other news, my newest lj friend
albee is having a friending frenzy FriGHTday. Go be LJ social and meet some new friends,
here. Well we are off to purchase some bright pink yarn for Lil' Pix3l's Halloween costume and send out
cakeandmilque long overdue package. I added so little things in there for you :-D I think you'll like them.
**got The IT Crowd suck in my head because I just got a wonderful 42 shirt that one of the character's likes to wear on the show from thinkgeek. There is an episode that Jen says to her boss "Goths are people too!" and I could help but think that it applies to dentists too! *snort*