Hi all, school has sucked up all my free time and all the free time that I has been sucked up by cleaning, other chores, knitting and reading. I've noticed that I've been posting a lot more on my knitting blog than here. I tend to go into phases where I become a hermit and internalize all my time and feelings. This phase can be a good thing for me at times, but other times when I really need to get some of these feelings out it can be a little destructive because I hold them in till the explode or implode depending on the situation.
I'm getting allergy shots every Tuesday and I can't wait till I get to the monthly shots! It's going to take a long time to find out if they are going to work; however if they do all this time will be well worth it. I stayed home from class yesterday because of these wonderful allergy symptoms that have been making a on-coming cold symptoms even worse! I'm hoping some the r&r today and yesterday will help. All this staying inside and not going out for long walks or going to school is making my guide dog, May a little ball of energy that needs to be released via play or working or walking, so I've been trying to play with her to help her get out this pent up energy. Right now she is curled up in a ball at my feet, which is very good. Today I have to go to my doctor's to get my allergy shot this afternoon, so she will get some working in today.
I'm realizing I won't make my book goal since I only have 3 months left and here's where I am
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Reading goes a lot more slowly now that I have Maylee and I'm mostly listening to audio books instead of reading books, also the series I'm reading right now by Sergei Lukyanenko. Some of you may have watched the movie Night Watch if you enjoyed it read the books, so far three out of four written have been translated from Russian to English (Night Watch, Day Watch and Twilight (Dusk) Watch with Final Watch being translated soon.) I'm currently in the middle of Day Watch and I enjoy the gritty background and attitudes of the characters as you learn about the Dark and Light others as well at both Watches.
Our trip to Galiano was lots of fun! I have to write a letter of complaint against these horrible dog owners though. I was stuck in the cabin a lot and on our property because there is this aggressive dog that the owners let loose on the Point without any supervision even though there is a leash law in effect. This dog attacked me and May when I was working her and it wasn't fun, the owners where not in screaming distance and screaming on the Point where our cabin as well as many other lots are located echoes like no tomorrow. Later that day, His Tallest was accosted by this dog because it was sitting at the gate to the front our cabin hoping that me and May would come back out and the one of the owners of the dog finally came and got it. He had some words with her and she refused to acknowledge that her dog was bullying a working guide dog team and the police would come if we called them if we found the dog on the Point without leash or owners again. I talked to my m-in-law who works for the counsel there and she said that's not true the RCMP would come to the Point when called in for a complaint, so next time I'm going to carry my camera and cellphone with the RCMP number plugged in on voice dial as well as write this letter about the incident on the long weekend. Despite these incidents we had a good time and tried not to let it ruin our weekend, but it did prevent me from wondering around the Point with my guide dog, so May and I didn't have much of a good time as we would have had if we weren't worried about being accosted by this dog. Another note about this dog, it bite a child the weekend before we had gone to the cabin, yet the owner believes that her dog is not aggressive and it's perfectly fine to leave it to wonder around the Point itself! I don't really blame the dog, I completely blame the irresponsible dog owner and poor training of their pet on their part!
Click here to see pictures of our trip including some of Maylee's first canoe trip!