Thanks to all those who wished me luck at guide dog school and offered names for my new LJ dedicated to my trip to GDB's San Rafael campus this month for guide dog handler training. Sorry all that I haven't had time to read your journal, I miss all of you and hope to have some time to read them in the near future. I'm not sure if I will though so keep me updated via my personal journal here or my new GD journal
here. Training is going to be loads of intense hard work and lots of waking up really early in the morning and I'm not really a morning person anymore!
Well I haven't had too much time to read lately and I'm still slowly working on sock #2. I want to try to update my knitting blog today or tomorrow I have tons of knitting pics to share. Also my mass amounts of pictures are up on
my flickr account to see the spring break pics, look at the Spring Break Trip CA set, I warn you there are tons of Monterey Bay Aquarium pictures
Well I'm off to cut all my beautiful long hair off and I'm going to go a little below shoulder length for a while, pics to come!